Athena's Might

In this belated Halloween-themed episode, Pauline aims to explore the price and challenges of womanhood. She uses the horror video game Silent Hill 3 as an example of how skilled a video game captures these psychological issues. Pauline aims to scale back with how many women who participate in strength training or fitness started due to feelings of vulnerability, shame, and growing up. She emphasizes that this game was impactful in showing her how such a fictional story could resonate with her and inspire her the strength to become better than she was yesterday.

What is Athena's Might?

In Greek Mythology, the goddess Athena embodied intelligence, warfare, and practicality. Held in high esteem. Ancient Greeks back in the day sought her for guidance, as her wisdom knew no bounds. Whether fighting beside them in Homer’s Iliad, or providing insight for the wife of an Athenian soldier. Beloved by all, she represents the mental fortitude and the might of strategy. Yet what if her insight is beyond the tales of old?

Inspired by her mythos, avid weightlifter Pauline Allera aims to encourage young women to take up strength training by discussing physical, emotional, and mental health issues in womanhood. Join her on a weekly basis as she reflects on her own journey, interviews women from all walks of life, and members from UNCC’s female weightlifting team, the Lady Lifters, in conversing the positive impacts weight lifting has on women.