You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law

Yohanna Romero Baca, a bar exam coach and former immigration attorney, shares her personal experience of not passing the bar exam and how it inspired her to help others succeed. She discusses her unique approach to bar exam preparation, emphasizing the importance of mindset and effective writing skills. Tune in to learn more about Yohanna's expertise and how passing the bar exam can open doors to career opportunities.

IRAC Like A Pro
Yohanna Romero Baca teaches her clients how to effectively communicate in writing using the IRAC format, but she also goes beyond that. She teaches them how to think critically and analyze the law, allowing their original thoughts to shine through in their answers. IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion, which is a format taught in law school and used for the bar exam. 

The "IRAC like a pro mindset" is about more than just following a formula. It's about developing a mindset that prioritizes thinking, analysis, and effective communication. It's about recognizing that success on the bar exam requires more than just memorizing information and completing tasks. It requires a deep understanding of the law and the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and strategic way.
"What makes it magical is when the reader, the bar exam grader, hears your original thoughts. That's where the magic comes in," said Yohanna Romero Baca on You Are A Lawyer.
Yohanna's coaching approach is rooted in her own personal experience of failing the bar exam multiple times. It was through her own journey of self-discovery and growth that she developed the "IRAC like a pro mindset." She understands the challenges and frustrations that individuals face when preparing for the bar exam, and she is passionate about helping them overcome those obstacles and achieve success.

  • How to overcome bar exam failure
  • What the IRAC formula is
  • How to leverage the written portion of the bar exam
  • The process of becoming a bar prep student
  • Unhappiness in the legal field
  • The importance of a growth mindset

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What is You Are A Lawyer: Take Risks and Change Careers in Law?

You Are A Lawyer is an interview podcast that promotes lawyers with fearless career changes, ambitious side hustles, and extraordinary lives.

On this top-rated podcast, Kyla holds space for lawyers to be transparent and honest about their law school experiences, transitions out of the law, or the leaps they took to become a filmmaker, yogi, beauty brand founder, entrepreneur, etc.

Ranked at 42 of the Top 90 Legal Podcasts, this podcast will motivate you to start that side hustle, challenge you to find a nontraditional career, and push you to embrace the hobby you’ve been hiding.

So ask yourself, are you an ambitious lawyer who feels limited in your career? A law student who daydreams about impacting the world? Did you struggle with the bar exam, and now you’re bored with the law?

Listen to You Are A Lawyer and discover new careers, amazing passions, and advice from lawyers who will motivate you to find new ways to use your law degree. Whether you’re working as an artist, tech investor, coach, or blogger, if you’ve graduated from law school, YOU ARE A LAWYER, and your law degree is valuable.

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