Protein Production Technology Podcast

Josh Tetrick, the founder of GOOD Meat, discusses his motivation for transitioning to a more sustainable food system by reducing harm to animals. He explains the process of cultivating meat and highlights the milestones achieved by his company, such as becoming the first to sell cultivated meat in Singapore. Tetrick emphasizes the need for advancements in technology to increase production and make cultivated meat more cost-competitive. He also addresses the environmental impact of conventional meat production and the importance of renewable energy in the process. Tetrick talks about the business model and distribution of cultivated meat, as well as the challenges and pushback faced by the industry. He emphasizes the need for clear communication and collaboration. Tetrick discusses the potential improvements that can be made to cultivated meat, its safety benefits, and the regulatory process. He predicts that cultivated meat has the potential to become the most consumed meat by 2050, creating a better and more sustainable world.

Creators & Guests

Nick Bradley
Josh Tetrick

What is Protein Production Technology Podcast?

Helping the industry understand how it will revolutionize modern protein production and help build a healthier, more efficient, and sustainable global protein system