
We are excited to have Ornella on the show to kick off Native American History Month. Ornella joins us to share about Decivilizing, being a Queer Boricua, & the Landback movement.

Show Notes

Ornella Matta-Figueroa is certified coach, working on a Ph.D in Mind-Body Medicine. Ornella was called to the healing path 5 years ago. Intuitive body and energy worker she has a calling to create spaces for healing, expression, connection, counsel, and integration. She is a collaborative and servant leader. Certified in Dancing Mindfulness and co-creator of Sacred Raves, Ornella has been supporting individuals as they address trauma in their bodies through movement and return to inner guidance. She finds most joy in creating containers for healing, using a mixture of spirit and research. She also sings and enjoys creating, sharing, and participating in music Ornella has dedicated her life to working with young people. Whether it be her own children or professionally the last 15 years has been focused on youth work in a variety of capacities. She has worked as a youth facilitator, director of programs, summer program coordinator, and as assistant director in higher education. Ornella feels excited to join the SafeArt team. She looks forward to a deepening connection with the team and participants so that she may support in the healing of trauma in our communities.

Connect with Ornella | @deciviling on Instagram, FB, & Twitter
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TuskegeeTrauma |
Brene Brown |
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What is BiCurean?

BiCurean takes typically combative topics and teaches them to play nice. Our view is the mainstream reactionary rhetoric divides us and only helps those invested in the status quo. We seek to find answers beyond the most obvious.

Join host Aicila as she digs into topics ranging from social and political to geeky and fun. Aicila is looking for the "BiCurean Moment"- the point where contradictions meet or are embraced.

BiCurean was conceived of in 2011 by Aicila as a podcast and originally created as a blog. On hiatus since 2021, she's been eager to start back up, and 2024 will be the year she does. Watch for new episodes, a new format, and just her as the host. for more info