The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

F^ck Hustle Culture. I don’t think we can get anymore to the point. While the hustle culture seemed to have gone away, it’s come back with a vengeance over the last couple of months. It’s got to a point where we have to wonder what are people doing day to day? Are they doing or just talking?

Show Notes

F^ck Hustle Culture. I don’t think we can get anymore to the point. While the hustle culture seemed to have gone away, it’s come back with a vengeance over the last couple of months. It’s got to a point where we have to wonder what are people doing day to day? Are they doing or just talking?

Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
Big News: The Hustle / Bro Culture
Question of the Episode: what are some ways to make sure everyone is aligned / stays aligned? Is it different if you're remote vs. in office?
  • Mike - I had zero clue that Doug is moody. Just kidding. Figure out what is best for your own work-life balance. Don’t subscribe to the hustle culture just because you think you have to be successful. Success comes in all shapes and sizes. 
  • Doug - Relax. Any performer will tell you that growth comes when you relax. We’re working so hard that we are our own worst enemy. It’s fine to have some downtime. It’s okay to say no and not doing anything in the evenings. Take some time to just relax.

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What is The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing?

Think of this podcast as the sports radio for demand generation. In every episode you can expect to be taken on a journey by Imagine's CEO, Doug Davidoff and Seventh Sense's Founder, Mike Donelly as they discuss, disagree, and form their opinions and ideas on specific sales, marketing, and business topics.