In this episode (049) of Talk Truth, I speak to The Layman’s Doctor, Dr Samantha Johnson, about how she did aggressive introspection to identify unhealthy routines in her life, in an effort to seek clarity and take new steps to be more deliberate about taking better care of herself. This episode is packed with gems on how to start to seek clarity in your life, especially if you are feeling lost or discouraged.
Medical Doctor, TV Host and Reggae-Soul Singer/Songwriter, Mario Evon, takes you on a uniquely Jamaican journey through a non-conservative, honest space created to allow his truth, and the truth of others to set them free to grow, laugh, learn and prosper.
From relationships, inspiration, sex and sexuality, to the ins and outs of entrepreneurship; In this space, we speak candidly about almost anything, with the intention to inspire, educate and entertain (‘Inspir-Edu-Tainment’), and create a fair and balanced space where your truth shall become your power. This is TALK TRUTH.