PAGL Podcast

This podcast explores the concept of theistic existentialism, addressing the reasons behind the lack of popularity of existentialism and challenges in openly discussing interest in God. It introduces Metapsychiatry as a theistic existentialist approach, emphasizing the study of God consciousness in mental health. The episode contrasts scientific and Metapsychiatric approaches, highlighting the importance of recognizing man in the context of God for a deeper understanding of health. It also introduces the distinction between the Right Man and the Wrong Man, framing life's purpose as evolving towards becoming the Right Man, characterized by a manifestation of divine love intelligence.

What is PAGL Podcast?

Welcome to The PAGL podcast, a collection of dialogues with Thomas Hora, M.D., the inspired founder of Metapsychiatry, in live recordings of meetings with his students occurring over many years. PAGL is an acronym for Peace, Assurance, Gratitude, and Love, spiritual qualities we become aware of when we have caught a glimpse of divine Truth and are on the "right trackā€ with our lives.