Euractiv Talks

2024 marks the year of another significant change in the EU’s political composition. Every five years, EU leaders collectively determine the EU's political priorities, a process occurring in conjunction with the European Parliament elections and preceding the appointment of each European Commission. Kicked off by the European elections in early June, the shifts in political groups and coalitions within the EU will shape its policy agenda and future legislation.

In light of the recent farmer’s protests all over Europe, but most notably in Brussels, the future of the agricultural sector is under the microscope like no other sector at the moment. Special attention will be paid to any new developments, plans, and legislation, putting a lot of pressure on the new leaders of the EU.

What is Euractiv Talks?

Euractiv Events and Euractiv's Advocacy Lab podcasts are the audio version of our policy debates, stakeholder forums, Policy Triangles, and Thought Leadership interviews. These discussions bring together policymakers from EU institutions, industry stakeholders and civil society representatives to discuss EU policy issues.