Lose Weight for the Last Time

Switch the intention of your self-care to getting healthier rather than losing weight. Everybody has busy schedules, but it’s important to be kind to yourself and prioritize some time each day for self-care. Let the goal of improving your health be the informer of your decisions and motivate you to start daily healthy habits. It’s so much easier to stay on task with a more expansive goal, and losing weight will be a byproduct of these healthy choices. Your progress is in your hands, so don’t be afraid to set boundaries for a bit of daily “me time,” because you deserve it!

Show Notes

🎯 The ultimate goal is being healthier, not losing weight: establish the habit and make it attainable. 02:39
💯 Stuff will always get in the way, so choose your priorities. 06:58
🤔 When we don't get the desired result, something else is happening that we're not aware of. 10:38
🌅 When your morning schedule is a battle between health stuff, work prep, and home chores: prioritize yourself & have at least 10 min of non-negotiable time. 13:38
💤 Sleep is your superpower & meditation will make a difference: trust the advice and invest time in the right activities. 18:26
✅ Take care of your body so you can do everything else you want: commit time to yourself and set up boundaries. 21:41

🤩 Natural Weight Loss and Wellness: www.wynweightloss.com 
✨ Connect with Jill: www.linkedin.com/in/jill-cruz-ms-cns-healthy-weight-loss 
🎤 Book Jill to speak: www.jillcruz.com 
💗 Join our Love Challenge: https://members.wynweightloss.com

What is Lose Weight for the Last Time?

There are ways to properly nourish your body, your soul, and your mind so that weight loss is a source of personal growth. The process should be pleasurable, fulfilling, and freeing. If it’s not, you are doing it wrong. We’re not going to give you a long list of things you can’t do and can’t eat – life is for enjoying!

How is it possible to lose weight for the last time? Well join me on this podcast and find out. You see, the other weight loss approaches out there are capitalizing and thriving on your fear, your shame, your guilt, your feeling like you are not enough and you have to change. I like to think of that as the 1980s approach. It's old, it's outdated, and it doesn't work. You do not need yet another diet.

Rather, I'm going to invite you on this podcast to join me in a totally new paradigm. It's all about context. In what context do you want to improve your health? The old context was about fear and shame. And those are what I call MOTIVATION KILLERS!

Of course, you keep gaining the weight back - you're operating out of the wrong context, and you are trying to solve the wrong problems. Extra body fat is not the problem - it's a symptom. So we have to get to the root of the problem. And we do that through love.

The new context is about love. I'm hoping this podcast will be a source of comfort, solace, and food for thought for you.

Let’s work together to help you to lose weight while creating a healthy, long-lasting life that you LOVE.