To whatever new audience we've gained by including "Trump" and "China" in our title: If you're not here expecting stupid, sometimes-topical, mostly self-indulgent "comedy" from eighteen-year-old morons, you're in the wrong place. To our returning audience: welcome back!! We've got the full crew in this one, for better or for worse, and the course of the show sees discussions of The Princess Bride, a few news events, some personal trivia from Jackson, and much, much more.
The Rutabaga is a random, unscripted “comedy” show featuring News You Can’t Use, which brings you funny useless news. Check in 10:00 pm Mondays and 11:00 pm Fridays for banter and foolishness. Episodes of The Rutabaga uploaded on Mondays and Fridays. Only on 88.9 The Bridge will you find hosts Nick, Jackson, Fenway, and McLean, who are Loud, Annoying, Fun, and Boring.