Effective Conversations

Fairy Creek Series / Part 1

Eartha is a 68-year-old activist and is one of the first organizers of the Fairy Creek blockade that has become the largest civil disobedience action in Canadian history. Eartha was the first person I talked to about the rift inside the movement and how it hurt her to see that people with the same goal and love for the old-growth forests were damaging their own efforts. I asked her to share more on the podcast, so we can start a different kind of conversation about racism and white privilege.

Show Notes

Eartha shares her lifelong journey as an activist, being an outsider in her family, going against the stream and any expectations.
She speaks about the risks of being an activist then and today and how she nurtures herself through failure and hard times. We explore two incidents of her being accused of racism by a Native person and how she, a professional art therapist, overcame that and found the strength to keep going with love and acceptance.

More about the Fairy Creek blockade here: https://laststandforforests.com/

What is Effective Conversations?

Inspiring conversations with social activists on how to navigate difficult conversations and inspire others to action.