Unscripted Pivots: Inspiring Stories from WTF [Women That Flourish]

In this episode, Danielle Sprouls reflects on her recent off-the-grid vacation in Yellowstone, where she celebrated a milestone birthday with family. Returning from this digital detox, she found her usual work drive had dimmed—a common experience she calls the "mojo gap." Danielle explores how to regain that lost passion and get back into the groove after hitting pause.

Key Points:
- The Mojo Gap: Achieving work-life balance is vital, but it can sometimes dampen your enthusiasm for work. Danielle discusses why this happens and how to overcome it.
- Reconnecting with Purpose: To reignite your work passion, revisit your "why." Reflect on what drew you to your career and align your work with your core values.
- Practical Tips: Set clear boundaries, create a refreshed routine, and engage in professional development to boost your productivity and reconnect with your work.

Listener Engagement:
Danielle invites listeners to share their experiences of reigniting their work mojo after a break. Your story might inspire others and could be featured in a future episode.

Final Thoughts:
Embrace those WTF moments—*Women That Flourish* are always pivoting towards something amazing. Stay tuned for more insights on balancing life and work, and keep pivoting!

Follow Danielle - “The WTF Lady”
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Creators & Guests

Danielle Sprouls
Host of Unscripted Pivots Podcast
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What is Unscripted Pivots: Inspiring Stories from WTF [Women That Flourish]?

If you’re looking to find connectivity in the female experience, you’ve found the right podcast. Unscripted Pivots (UP) takes a deep dive into how women can masterfully chart their lives only to end up in the most unexpected places. "Life is what happens while we are busy making other plans" and the most unpredictable detours, our “WTF” experiences, can shape us in ways we never dreamed possible. My podcast invites women to redefine “WTF”, calling them “Women That Flourish” moments instead. I’m your host, Danielle Sprouls, aka "The WTF* Lady", and my mission is to bring you weekly interviews with inspiring stories of women empowerment, identity loss, entrepreneurship, leadership, mental health, and more. We’re here to celebrate a woman's adaptability, resilience, and perseverance. No matter our unexpected detours, we can always move UP.