FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids!

We’re coming to you from Ghostbusters’ headquarters, Hook and Ladder Company 8 in Manhattan. Built in 1903, the firehouse was made famous by the beloved films. Though, here at FDNY, when someone asks, ‘Who you gonna call?’ Our answer is always, ‘9-1-1 in a real emergency!’ Chloe talks to Deputy Assistant Chief Denise Werner from Emergency Medical Dispatch all about when to call 9-1-1, who answers your call and what to say when you need help.

What is FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids!?

From the FDNY Fire Zone in New York City, the FDNY, FDNY Foundation and its Partners, introduce the FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! The show brings together FDNY members, fire and life safety educators, New York City students, and more to empower all who listen with lifesaving information on a wide array of topics.