Walking Your Talk | Culture Change & Leadership

Walking Your Talk | Culture Change & Leadership Trailer Bonus Episode 83 Season 1

82: Walk and Talk Series - Recruiting & Promoting

82: Walk and Talk Series - Recruiting & Promoting82: Walk and Talk Series - Recruiting & Promoting


Who you choose to fill an empty role sends such a strong message about what you truly value. Here Carolyn talks about how to use both external and internal hires to reinforce your reinforce the culture you aspire to.

Buy the Walking the Talk book - https://amzn.to/3WunDBA

Website: www.carolyntaylorculture.com
Podcast: www.carolyntaylorculture.com/podcast
Walking the Talk: www.walkingthetalk.com

Show Notes

Who you choose to fill an empty role sends such a strong message about what you truly value. Here Carolyn talks about how to use both external and internal hires to reinforce your reinforce the culture you aspire to. 

Buy the Walking the Talk book: https://amzn.to/3WunDBA
Website: www.carolyntaylorculture.com
Podcast: www.carolyntaylorculture.com/podcast
Walking the Talk: www.walkingthetalk.com

What is Walking Your Talk | Culture Change & Leadership?

This podcast is about leadership, authenticity and courage. Every episode is a personal development experience showing you how you can transform yourself and thus transform those around you and ultimately the organisation within which you work. Take a stand, choose a value - accountability, one-team, customer-centric, and many more - and come away with insights and practical tips on what it takes to authentically live that day-to-day. Many people and organisations hold these values, but don’t practise them. Through this podcast you will close that gap and as a result earn higher trust from your clients and colleagues, because they see you walking your talk.

Carolyn Taylor is a global thought leader in personal development and culture change, with a reputation for having a practical, insightful and do-able approach. She has coached thousands of leaders and helped hundreds of organisations change their culture, and is the author of the classic best-selling handbook Walking the Talk: How to Build a culture for success.