An interview with Corey Valentine, an eyewitness student to the breaking news story listed below.

A breaking news story coming out of a local fraternity associated with Colorado State University has been accused of blackface after a large recruitment banner hung up in front of the fraternity house showing racist imagery was seen early yesterday morning.

Lambda Chi Alpha hung a banner depicting Uncle Sam recruiting potential members to rush in the fall. Early yesterday morning at around 2 am a student noticed and reported the banner to CSU. The student then returned around 5 am to find the banner removed. The student also returned to the house later and was confronted by members of the fraternity. Footage of the confrontation can be found on CTV’s coverage of the story and the Rocky Mountain Collegian’s article.  Several organizations on campus including United Men of Color, Africans United, and United Women of Color have begun to speak out against the banner shown and condemn Lambda Chi Alpha’s behavior. For the full story, listen to the breaking news report on KCSU's website. 

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