Price of Admission

This is Command Master Chief Jason Brown. A patient Senior Chief advisor and mentor of mine at the Naval Academy to his current role as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader at the Navy Hospital in Naples, Italy. Raised in Redlands, California, CMC Brown's early entrepreneurial spirit—evident in childhood gigs like paper routes and lawn mowing—evolved into a Bachelor's Degree in Business from Florida State. With 13 different jobs held in the Navy and seven deployments.  Beyond his naval duties, CMC Brown is passionate about woodworking, photography, running, and writing. His commitment to community and faith shines through in his leadership of men's bible studies and work with local immigration shelters. Today, we'll delve into complexities of TRUTH.

What is Price of Admission ?

Perseverance stories from all phases of the journey, capturing critical confidence realizations that built character and teams.

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