The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast

Faster than a speeding plot device! More powerful than hammy voice acting! It's the most famous season of the show that defined the DC Comics heroes and villains for an entire generation of kids! The Justice League versus the Legion of Doom across 16 episodes of some of the most over the top camp ever seen on Saturday morning, cramming a massive cast into the 22-minute run time. So join Pemmy, Krissi and James as they answer the Trouble Alert!

What is The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast?

The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast is a misadventure into the wide world of animation. Noted webcomic artist Pembroke W. Korgi is joined by Krissi Harding and James Irish to look back on Saturday Morning favorites, syndicated series, theatrical short subjects, Anime classics, and more! Pour a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal and come join us!