Risk Commentary

New website = riskcommentary.ca
Enterprise risk management implementation: Who is the champion?
Edited for length.

Significance of the Enterprise Risk Management champion 
  • Who actually is leading this work? 
  • What are the requisite qualifications and background? 
  • Is any special training needed? 
  • Background and qualities
  • Functions
Principles of program success (discussed in full E15): 
A few success factors and their relation to ERM

Summary of traits of ERM champion

”the ERM champion’s success in instituting ERM will not hinge on the degree of authority leveraged. The reason is that willing participation in genuine Enterprise Risk Management... is not a response to formal authority. It is an outcome of seeing the value of the new process.” (Robertson 2016, Solving the ERM Puzzle, p.24)

Edited transcripts:
The ERM Minimalist available at Books and Courses. Works well with Play Books (read aloud function) and Apple Books.
(E. Robertson 2016) Solving the Enterprise Risk Management Puzzle: Secrets to Successful Implementation 

What is Risk Commentary?

New website: RiskCommentary.ca We see a contradiction: increased need for Enterprise Risk Management, while risk managers report low perceived value of their processes. High Quality Risk Assessment addresses uncertainty and helps solve chronic business problems. Join Edward Robertson, successful ERM practitioner, to discover a simple process that delivers clear value.