The Rachel Roth Show

There was a 1% chance she would save her leg. All she knew and loved was fitness, dancing, and being ACTIVE. But now she was faced with an excruciating recovery and the hits kept coming. A dependence on alcohol emerged as she tried to numb her pain, a nerve disorder and the doctor’s told her to go get in bed and not get out again for the rest of her life. But none of that stopped Amberly Lago. She’s made from tougher stuff than that and she decided that she was going to fight, and walk again, and dance again, and then in true Amberly form, she discovered a way to share her story with the world to help others. Because that is who she is. Hear the jaw dropping story of a gorgeous fitness model turned motivational powerhouse and author of True Grit and Grace, Amberly Lago. You will be moved, motivated and look at the world a different way after hearing her incredible story of strength.

What is The Rachel Roth Show?

Rachel Roth is an award winning leader at top organizations across multiple industries. She specializes in helping people identify their unique skillset and passion and purpose in life. With multiple awards and recognition and almost 20 years of real world experience, she is widely regarded as an expert and leader in her field. Her insights have been featured on podcasts, team trainings, masterminds, and conferences. As a passionate people person who loves to hear other people’s stories and learn from them, she brings you compelling stories of failing forward, unlikely success, overcoming obstacles and taking listeners from feeling powerless to powerful by identifying their identity, purpose, and passion.