Job Insider

When describing Emeco, Stellar’s Managing Director Shaun, uses adjectives like innovative, dynamic, growth-centric, amazing longevity, fast-paced, and customer-centric and that they are like a sports team with everyone playing their role with a focus on winning and with this it can be very rewarding to work at Emeco. 
Ian covers how the business started, the Emeco DNA and what it has morphed into today as well as what type of person will go well in the business.
Emeco has some amazing loyal and long-standing team members, Ian shares his thoughts on why he thinks this is. John Worsfold, the former AFL great is now a key team member at Emeco, listeners will get to hear about the role he plays in the business.
Other topics covered in this episode include the exciting things coming up for the business and what great career opportunities Ian would pass on to people considering a move.

What is Job Insider?

There are life changing career moments where pivotal opportunities are seized.

The main driver of this StellarCast series is to tell the story of the great companies we partner with. Throughout this special edition, we gain rare insights into successful businesses covering the company’s history, culture, formula to success, growth plans, and what they look forward to when recruiting! We also want to improve the candidate experience as they appraise their next career move also.

Stellar has helped over 23,000 people embark on life changing career opportunities and helped over 3,300 businesses reach their growth goals. This podcast further delves into new and exciting job opportunities.