Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson

On this episode, I will be talking about the southern border crisis and what is actually happening down there (since the mainstream media refuses to tell you). These "migrants" (illegal immigrants) are in tons of danger when they immigrate illegally. Women and children are raped, tortured, and sex trafficked along the way (sometimes killed), and many of the men illegally immigrating are affiliated with the drug cartels (fun!). Needless to say, it's much safer for both American citizens AND for illegal immigrants for them to come legally. But we do need to fix the immigration process so that people can immigrate quicker so they aren't resorting to immigrating illegally (again, dangerously).



What is Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson?

Entertaining and in-depth, Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson tackles the latest in news, culture, religion and politics from a Christian, independent point of view. Ginny‘s keen eye allows her to cut through the chaos to the things that really matter, and her ability to find the humor in anything provides a fresh new way to stay up to date.