Glitch In The Code Podcast with Richard Willett

This week I touch base with my old mate Dr robin Kelly, one. of the very few practicing doctors who can see this current global psychosis for what it is.

I had the pleasure of working with Robin last year in New Zealand just as the madness was kicking off. In this episode we talk about how he copes and how we can find some meaning for ourselves through this utter insanity though creativity, the arts and finding your passion.

Check out Robins channels here

And here is his excellent TED Talk

What is Glitch In The Code Podcast with Richard Willett?

A interview based show, Host Richard Willett interviews some of the best researchers and alternative media journalists who are uncovering crucial information into how the world really works, within the shadows and behind the curtain. This world is nothing like we are led to believe it is and for decades many authors, researchers, filmmakers, songwriters and journalists have been trying to reveal the hidden hand that is rapidly tightening its grip on us all.