Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms

Download my master pantry list:

Most overly elaborate menu planning instructions have you write a grocery list while you plan. After all, you want to have the right ingredients on hand is necessary, right? But that means the menu planning has to happen before you go to the store, which has to happen before you’re able to cook dinner from your plan…and it’s actually tricky to work it all out in real life. I have a better way.

Create your pantry basics list, stock those things, buy more when those things are on sale, put meat in the freezer - Then menu plan from what you already have on hand.
Separate the planning from the shopping so one isn’t contingent on the other.

Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!

📖 Get my latest book - Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done

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What is Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms?

Short but meaty pep talks for busy Christian moms who want to manage their homes & lives for the glory of God – and enjoy it, too! Organize your attitude, get stuff done, and glorify God as a homemaker.