Mental Status

Meg invites you to join us in the collective! Virtual doors open mid-December 2021

Show Notes

About Today's Episode

In this episode, Meg talks about the Anti-Work Therapist Collective, a space where mental health providers can gather & learn how incorporate antiwork philosophy into their practices & unlearn hustle culture mentality. 

Get on the list to join the collective for $10/year: Get on the list

Credits, links & other things:

Disclaimer, y'all: This is a podcast meant for education and entertainment purposes only. I'm not your therapist. This podcast doesn't replace therapy or clinical supervision and isn't supposed to replace those things. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please find one. My opinions are my own and don't reflect the opinion(s) of my past/present/future employers.

What is Mental Status?

Fatigued. Anxious. Irritable. Depressed. How are you actually doing?

Welcome to Mental Status, a podcast made for burnt-out therapists looking to reignite their life beyond the chair. Each episode, your host Meg explores the ins, outs, ups and downs of being a professional helper in the modern age, and ways to help the most important person of all—yourself.