Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die


Every second week on MHIGTD we explore a conversation about mortality and survival with human beings who have skin in the game. And today we're asking the question: what does African philosophy teach us about the eternal nature of life? 

Sista Zai Zanda (Sista Zai/VaChihera) is an Afrofuturist, Poet and Womanist. Sista Zai was born in Harare, Zimbabwe and raised in a large extended family. VaChihera is from the Karanga language group and now lives as a Black African settler on Kulin Nations.

Amongst career highlights, VaChihera is a 2019 recipient of the Neilma Sidney Travel Fund and a recipient of a Melbourne Strategic Scholarship for a PhD in Afrofuturism at the University Of Melbourne. One of her favourite Afrofuturistic philosophies is the ancient belief that no one and nothing dies, we just change form and, sometimes, reincarnate.

Please follow Pan Afrikan Poets Café on Instagram, @papoets. Something delicious is slowly and intentionally brewing at the home of the Afroliterati.

Sista Zai (IG @SistaZai)

Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).
You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod

Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)
Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)
Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)
Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)
Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions)

With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)
Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)
and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham)

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Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources:
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Creators & Guests

Marieke Hardy
I mean well and don't you ever fucking forget it. She/Her

What is Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die?

Hello, my name is Marieke Hardy and I’m Going To Die. But that’s ok, because so are you. And so is everybody you know, including - and trust me, I’m as conflicted about this as you are - your dog. It’s confronting, especially in the brutal world we’re all doing our best to survive, but I believe there’s something important about this universal experience we’re all having together that worth interrogating. Join me as I speak to a variety of interesting, beautiful, imperfect humans (who are definitely going to die) and help them plan their dream funerals as they reflect on their lives, their longings, and how best to navigate this intense ride.