The Magnificast

The Magnificast Trailer Bonus Episode 400 Season 1

White Property, Black Trespass

This week we're joined by Andrew Krinks to talk about his new book White Property, Black Tresspass: Racial Capitalism and the Religious Function of Mass Criminalization. It's a really cool book that explores the links between a carceral society, religion, and capitalism.

You can preorder Andrew's book from NYU Press. Use NYUAU30 at checkout for 30% off.

Find more from Andrew at, on X @andrewkrinks and BlueSky

Intro Music by Amaryah Armstrong
Outro music by theillogicalspoon
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What is The Magnificast?

A weekly podcast about Christianity and leftist politics. The Magnificast is hosted by Dean Dettloff and Matt Bernico. Each week's episode focuses on a unique or under-realized aspect of territory between Christianity and politics that no one taught you about in sunday school.