Front Porch Radio - Pierchoski Estate Law

Estate Plan Stan finishes up Crisis Planning. This episode is the final episode of Bulletproof Estate Planning on Front Porch Radio WKOM in Columbia.

What is Front Porch Radio - Pierchoski Estate Law?

On Bulletproof Estate Planning, we talk about all things estate planning. We will talk about Last Will and Testament, the probate process that goes with a Last Will and Testament. We will discuss Trust plans, Revocable Living Trusts that avoid the probate process; Asset Protection Trusts that protect your life savings from the high cost of long-term care; Special Needs Trusts both fist party and third party; and we will discuss TennCare Eligibility Planning, both pre-planning as well as Crisis Planning. Each week we will do a deep dive into a subject in a progressive manner so you will understand you have options as well as understand which options are the best fit for your family.