Relay Station Bravo

Episode 7 is here, and we're talking with Azras, aka our Task Force 93 Commanding Officer and our Deputy Chief of Operations!

Creators & Guests

Aaron DeLay
I've been producing, hosting, and making podcast media for a long time. I love Star Trek, Doctor Who, writing, and talking about people's passions and loves when it comes to the world around us.
Task Force 93 Commanding Officer and our Deputy Chief of Operations!
Bravo Fleet
Offering a friendly & welcoming place to share your passion for Star Trek, whether through writing stories, video games, or talking about your favorite episode!

What is Relay Station Bravo?

Founded in 1997, Bravo Fleet is one of the world’s largest and oldest Star Trek online fan communities. Our podcast is all about our members, their written stories, the activities we participate in, and our shared passion for Star Trek, Science Fiction and more!