Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 29th August 2024.

The government has announced that it will work to unblock thousands of new homes, as it looks to achieve its goal of ending the housing crisis and driving economic growth.
Thanks to the New Homes Accelerator, those that are stuck in the planning system or currently partially built will be unlocked through the removal of red tape. Key collaborators such as local councils, government agencies and housebuilders will be brought together to resolve specific local issues that are holding back the delivery of housing, and work through blockages at individual sites.
This will not only support the government’s aim of driving economic growth locally and nationally, but also work to end the housing crisis that is currently affecting the nation.

The Mayor of the North East has established her plans to tackle the ‘unacceptable’ child poverty in the region.
With a plan that is thought to be the first of its kind by a mayor in England, Kim McGuinness has committed to supporting parents with the costs of childcare, with this helping parents return to work and keep more of the money that they earn.
Around £500,000 of investment is being committed to the Child Poverty Reduction Unit, with the first priority being the development of the Childcare Grant. The combined authority will also work in collaboration with the seven local authorities in the region – as well as the wider childcare system – to establish the most effective means of tackling poverty among children.

Cheshire East Council has confirmed that it has submitted an ‘ambitious’ plan of transformation to the government, as it looks to achieve financial stability.
The plan was approved last week and will set out how the council plans to reduce spending by around £100 million over the course of the next four years, whilst also identifying areas where financial benefits can be achieved for communities. This will be done through “substantial change” and additional capacity.
Six areas will be the focus of the work, with these areas being workforce, social care, place, early intervention, digital, and special projects.

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