Why Mums Don't Jump

Helen meets up with Chantelle, a mum from Manchester who is charting her journey with birth injury and bowel incontinence on Instagram as @tears_from_tearing. They discuss birth, treatment, the impact on family life and spa treatments...sort of. (TW: birth injury, forceps, trauma, surgery)

Show Notes

(TW: birth injury, forceps, trauma, surgery)

Bowel incontinence after childbirth. It's a taboo within a taboo. But it's not uncommon. The charity, MASIC (Mothers with Anal Sphincter Injuries in Childbirth) says 1 in 10 women who have a vaginal delivery will have problems holding either poo or wind.

In this episode, Helen meets up with Chantelle, a mum from Manchester who is charting her journey with birth injury and bowel or faecal incontinence on Instagram as @tears_from_tearing. They discuss a difficult birth, treatment, supporting other mums and how we shouldn't be ashamed to talk about it:
‘Everybody poos. It's a normal bodily function. It's just...mine's gone a bit wrong at the minute’

Chantelle is @tears_from_tearing on Instagram

The charity MASIC can be found here

The Birth Trauma Association website is here

Find Helen @whymumsdontjump on Instagram and Twitter or at www.whymumsdontjump.com

What is Why Mums Don't Jump?

One woman’s mission to end the stigma around leaks and lumps after childbirth. Honest chat about incontinence, prolapse and pelvic pain. Not a trampoline in sight. Hosted by Helen Ledwick.