Inner Sight Radio

"This group gives to the word "spiritual" a wide significance; they believe it to mean an inclusive endeavour towards human betterment, uplift and understanding. The appearance of the New Group of World Servers on earth at this time is one of the indication of the success of the evolutionary process", from the book 'Externalisation of the Hierarchy' by Alice Bailey.

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"This group gives to the word "spiritual" a wide significance; they believe it to mean an inclusive endeavour towards human betterment, uplift and understanding. The appearance of the New Group of World Servers on earth at this time is one of the indication of the success of the evolutionary process", from the book 'Externalisation of the Hierarchy' by Alice Bailey.

What is Inner Sight Radio?

Inner Sight broadcasts talks on philosophical and spiritual topics essential to everyday life.

Founded by Alice Bailey in 1922, Lucis Trust is a nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpolitical organization that promotes right human relations, goodwill and the oneness of humanity. To learn more about our work visit