Marvel Movie Minute

Minute One Hundred Three: From Tony Incinerating a Few Pedestrians to Tony Incinerating a Few Chitauri
Film Critic Ewan Graf from the Quiet on Set podcast joins us in this episode!

In the one-hundred-third minute of The Avengers...
More Mark VII talk! We love the way Tony’s new suit attaches itself to him. But the pedestrians... wouldn’t they be incinerated? Or at least have their eyes filled with dust particles? That’s a fairly brutal spraying they get from Tony. At the very least, they’d be blown over. There’s chat about the POV shot we get through the mask then the HUD as it closes over Tony’s face, not to mention chat about the way the shot construction in these moments never quite lines up as well as it should.

Is Andy the only person who thinks of Robert Paulson when Tony brings up Phil? Perhaps...

This minute is the start of the blue beam! It’s quite a trope, and certainly does its job here. It also means we finally get to talk a LOT about the Chitauri as they start their journey through the hole into the skies over Manhattan. Is it disorienting for them to come out and essentially be flying straight down? Seems like it may be confusing. Tony’s got some cool mini-missiles in his shoulder, and there are lots of amazing shots in this minute. Too bad the enemy is so... bland. Tune in!

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Film Sundries

What is Marvel Movie Minute?

Andy Nelson and Pete Wright reach the first team-up movie in the MCU: Marvel's The Avengers, and they're taking it apart one blue-beamed minute at a time.