The New Norm

Sometimes God invites us to something good that requires a risk on our part. Often, it’s easier to stay put than push forward. What can we learn from the story of Joshua and Caleb about trusting God when it feels like the odds are against us?

What is The New Norm?

When I was in high school, one of my nicknames was “Norm.” In my first real job out of college, I was one of two “Steves” at the office. Because the other was my boss, I became Norm again. Thus, the “New Norm.”

I’ve worked in churches for over twenty years, and part of my current journey is learning, re-learning, and unlearning some critical lessons I picked up along the way. (I also had stints as group fitness instructor, a volunteer police chaplain, and trainer at an ice cream plant, but those are stories I can unpack later.) I’m currently a writer, speaker, and pastor of no particular congregation.

This podcast is simple and direct. Every week I’ll share a devotional thought based on something that’s challenging and changing me. Most of these will be directly from a passage of Scripture that’s stretching how I think about spirituality, life, relationships, family, and work.