Psychological Safety; What can we learn from people with a different perspective…

Psychological Safety; What can we learn from people with a different perspective… Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 1

5. Angela Maas (Radboudmc)

Angela Maas is a professor in Cardiology at Radboudboudmc, specialized in cardiovascular disease in women, and ambitious about improving the role woman play in medicine and how they are treated at work. In conversation with Anne-Barbara, they discuss the development of these topics during Angela’s career and how it was for her to grow her career in a working environment dominated by men. Listen to this episode to hear how far we have come and how much there is still to win in Healthcare when it comes to psychological safety.

What is Psychological Safety; What can we learn from people with a different perspective…?

Often we get the question from our clients; “We need to do something with Psychological Safety in our organization, but how do we approach this sensitive topic?” One of the key elements of psychological safety is having an open dialogue and feeling free to speak up. That is why we do not shy away from this topic but start to have conversations about it. Join us when we talk with a variety of people in senior leadership positions with a different perspective. We will hear the impact of time pressure and stressful situations on behavior and trust and learn how psychological safety is perceived and embedded in their organizations. The wisdom that these people share most certainly provides inspiration and sense of awareness, but mostly opens-up the dialogue about psychological safety.