Thank you for hanging with us throughout Dig This Season 2! In this, the season’s final episode, Archaeologist Kay Jollymore talks with Jenny about mentorship! 

From her start in the Cariboo area and throughout her career, Kay celebrates the generous people who made a difference in her career. She shares the value of becoming a mentor, how to be a good one, mentor, different kinds of mentors including the benefits of horizontal collegial mentorships. 

Looking at in-the-field and in-the-office formal and ad-hoc training, Kay and Jenny discuss the responsibilities of both the mentor and mentee, but also how professional associations, businesses and clients can and should support and make space for this work. And the importance of mentorship to building capacity in First Nations communities to support their control of their own heritage materials. 

No matter what, mentorship is deeply enriching, rewarding and so often, a joyful experience! 

What is DIG THIS?

Welcome to DIG THIS - An archaeology podcast for good. Kind of like Indiana Jones…if he was a woman…more ethical…gave a shit about the people whose belongings he was stealing…and was actually doing real archaeological work. Ok. Nothing like Indiana Jones.

Every Wednesday, Jenny Botica and Amanda Marshall have a laugh, cry, or howl at the moon over lessons learned during their 20+ years as archeologists, business owners, partners, and moms. Fearless and fierce conversations that focus on the state of their discipline, their company, their lives… and ask some hard questions.

How do we decolonize our practice?
How does our work support Indigenous communities in their goals for heritage sovereignty?
How do we keep our company on a sustainable path for growth while supporting the professional goals of our team?
How do we achieve all this AND sustain a balanced life?

If you’re an archaeologist, anthropologist, environmentalist, conservationist, or industry leader who sees the need for change; an Indigenous trailblazer working towards cultural and heritage sovereignty; or a woman leading a business (or aspiring to!) - then DIG THIS is your podcast.