The CMO Whisperer

My guest today is Bart Sichel. Most recently, Bart was the CMO of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Before that, he was at Burlington stores and he was also a partner at McKinsey where he was a leader in their marketing practice. He has an unbelievable amount of experience in the world of marketing, especially in retail. We kicked off the conversation on the topic that is the elephant in every marketer's room, AI, and what it means in the world of retail.

We had a really, really fascinating conversation about that and a whole host of other topics, including the fact that Bart sits on the board of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. And it is a highly personal story.


What is The CMO Whisperer?

The CMO Whisperer, hosted by former Forbes writer Steve Olenski, is dedicated to those who keep it real in AND out of the world of marketing. From others in the C-suite to agency leaders to editors of publications to athletes to entertainsers and on and on, this show is for them and about them.