Journeys In Words

WHEN TO USE: overthinking, after work, before sleep.
Close your eyes and reconnect with the infinite depth you have within...

[Only use when safe to do so. Not while driving or operating machinery]

Show Notes

WHEN TO USE: overthinking, after work, before sleep.
An antidote to modern life's busyness and the minds overthinking.

Close your eyes and reconnect with the infinite depth you have within..
For all is busyness the outside world cannot the unlimited depth or stillness you hold.
Any yawning during this meditation is a welcome sign. A yawn is the final rattle of thoughts released!

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What is Journeys In Words?

Guided Meditations, Hypnosis and Tools to help you work on Relaxation // Overthinking // De-stress // Breaking Through // Motivation // Assertiveness.

by Chris Walton; a hypnotherapist, relaxation and mindfulness teacher (and startup investor).

My other podcasts:
Chris D Walton - Interviews about self-growth and going deeper.
VISION - Startup Interviews