Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations

A conversation about the life and work of Dr. Pellom McDaniels III, former curator of African American collections at Rose Library, who passed away last year, featuring with his wife, Navvab McDaniels and former mentor Dr. Randall Burkett.

Show Notes

Here are links to more information about Pellom McDaniels and collections discussed during this episode:

Lifting Every Voice
The Inspiration and Impact
of Pellom McDaniels III

Frederick Douglass: A Bicentennial Tribute

Camille Billops and James V. Hatch archives

Richard A. Cecil collection

What is Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations?

The Community Conversations series invites conversation about an historical person, event, or place. Rose Library staff interview guests connected to the archive to engage in conversation that connects the session with our collections. Audiences will learn from the insights of our guests and more about what we do and who we are as an organization and as a profession.