Yah Lah BUT...

Actress Oon Shu An drops by the YLB studio to talk about her latest production, Tartuffe: The Imposter, why she loves to work with young creatives, and how choosing to follow your passion as your job might not be the best idea. We also go deep into her thoughts and feelings about the conflict in Gaza, and why it’s important for people with platforms to speak up.

Find us here!


One Shiok Thing

Find Oon Shu An!

Mics and Headphones from @shure
Chairs from @ergotunechair
Desk from @castlerysg

Edited and mixed by Tristen Yeak 

What is Yah Lah BUT...?

The most uncensored conversations about censorable things coming out from the much-censored country of Singapore. Hosted by Haresh & Terence from the comedy house Ministry of Funny.