Gut Check Project

Your hosts, Dr. Ken Brown and Eric Rieger speak with Jeremy Kinder of CBDTakeout about the importance of CBD in all of our lives as well as the uphill battle of it's negative connotation. Jeremy's story of having a passion for helping people is selflessness at its best. Join us for an episode full of good feels, incredible information, and Goats. Yes, I said goats.

Show Notes

Welcome to the new location of the gut check project. I'm your host, Eric Rieger along with your other host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. How you doing Ken what's going on?

So well, we've moved from the Spoony studio and we are attempting our first own podcast over here at the new studio at the KBMD Health studio. We are and guess

what, you know we are still on the Spoony network, but I can't express how nice it is for you to now have a studio that's closer to the clinic. It's closer to where we do the procedures. It's the same distance for me no matter what.

And most importantly, it's closer for our guests like Jeremy who just flew in from Austin. All the way from Austin because we got so much closer. 

Yeah, thank you guys. Much closer. Awesome. So our first

guest here in the new studio is going to be Jeremy Kinder here with CBD Takeout and I'm going to let Jeremy kind of take it away a little bit about what is special about CBD Takeout here in just a moment. Dr. Brown real quick, do we have any catch up items that we needed to do to kind of put in front of Jeremy to see if he wants to weigh in on anything?

Well, we got like several visual on so first of all, we want to hear the story about how you and Jeremy met Sure. We want to talk about how much synergy there is. Whenever you start meeting people and you start connecting with people. We came back from the baby bath water event and just met incredible people. We had Tim powers over here who we're going to have back on because we actually had the equipment. We were unpacking the equipment when our first real guest showed up and he was kind of helping us just show how to...

like we were like wiring this stuff together. Check this

out. Before Tim came over here, he was over at a hotel and then put his iPhone down to simply turn around and pay a guy at the bar. No, no, no, he was going to turn around and refill his ice tea. Oh fill his iced tea.

Like five feet away at like a Homewood suites are just like some. Yeah, you know, like normal family.

A little hotel. Did somebody grab his phone?  Within

like three seconds, three seconds took off. So he was in town. And so me my wife, my daughter, my son was out of town, me, my wife and my daughter, we're going to take him out to dinner. And I pick him up. And this is what we have to do is figure out so now we're, I'm learning how to move the camera. So now we're back on me. Yeah, nice. Sweet. So we're working on that. And I picked him up in like a boss. I mean, like a boss. He was like, Hey, man, what's up? I'm like, why did I have to face you know Facebook you?  Yeah, funny thing and he stops in the car, funny thing my phone just got stolen I'm like when? He's like, I don't know eight minutes ago. I'm like, you are a boss. I stopped the car. I'm like do we go to BestBuy? Do we get you a flip phone? What do we do here? This is crazy. So was he calling you

from like an iPad

or something? He sent me and I'm not a Facebooker and so he sent me a message said hey, phones, phones not working. It was cool about it phones not working. message me through this and I'll I'll do it through my iPad. When I picked him up, I mean, he was just like, I would have been curled up in a corner, crying, whatever. And he's like, yeah, let's just go to dinner. It's all good.

Let's go get a drink.

Let's just I mean, he was just cool and super, super neat about it. And then that evolved into a realization for himself and go ahead and expand on that. The coolest thing was is he found how addicted he was to his smartphone.

Yeah, he said he began to sleep better, he communicated better with people that are in front of him. His anxiety level, he said, the first day was palpable, where he didn't feel captivated by the phone constantly vibrating for something for him new to look at.

So, man, I don't know how much y'all want me to talk because I bet I'm a talker I'll throw in stuff on everything. But my wife and I have been talking about how do we decouple from our devices and I've tried everything if you're getting a second device or getting an Apple Watch and you know, all kinds of different stuff and honestly, the thing that that's helping me the most is just discipline you know, but I'm not going to you know get on my device and it's freaking hard I mean it's really like a you know like a drug fix of it My mind is telling me Hey, I need to check my phone go through the cycle of okay check Instagram, check the email check, you know. And then 15 minutes later I've been on my phone the whole time and I I literally don't need to be on there. But that's probably about a year ago we started talking about how how we can improve our lives and have better sleep quality and a lot of that stuff and decoupling from electronics was a big part of that

I don't remember was that Aaron File at baby bathwater who made the statement that there's a box

there's a box..No it was Jack Olocka. Oh Jack Olocka. So it was Jack Olocka . So Jack Olocka...

I’m  a little bit echoed here. Is that you know what, whatever we're just we're just gonna run the first one is studio thinking first one new studio figured out. So Jack Olocka . So Jack, so this group that we're with is like, it's like, you know, like when you like meet a bunch of people and you just go oh my gosh, I'm I'm like around a bunch of like minded people yeah well Jack Olocka is a PhD in psychedelics, all his research has been in this and like not like, Oh, I'm really good at psychedelics like he actually has a doctorate on the neuro plasticity and what happens I mean, just brilliant guy. And he gave a little speech there's this thing called a Baby Einstein, we're just going let it echo doesn't matter now. Where the Baby Einstein where everybody kind of gives either an ask or a give. And you know, his give was there's something called a kitchen safe. And what you do is you put your phone in the safe in the kitchen. Yeah. And when you set the timer, you nothing can get that phone out until the timer stops. Like there's like like even if somebody breaks it, it's just pretty much like yeah, you better have a landline going Yeah, yes. You know. And so unless you have dynamite and a crowbar and the reason is is because people are so addicted to their phones and we know that the blue light affects sleep. If you look at the how important sleep is and how affected it is just getting in just shutting your phone off and not looking at it is probably the most important thing that you can do.

Yeah, yeah. My problem though, is you know, I come from the technology world and my house is wired like I have sono speakers everywhere and I have lights that are on smart plugs and all that stuff. And I did all this before I knew the the harmful effects of emf and so now I kinda thinking. So if I put my phone in a safe like I can't turn my lights on or I can't listen to music. 

Or turn the air conditioner down. I’m hosed. 

Just honey. I can't flush the toilet. Right. My phone's in the safe.

Yeah, yeah. So you know we're talking about how to it maybe shut all that down and all that but

yeah. That’s funny. 

So let's talk a little bit about CBD take out that's why you You came up here today we're going to explore opportunities that are synergistic between the two of us. I was going to kick it off by saying one of the things that allowed you and I to get on this wavelength to start talking. So I went down to Austin to join a friend of mine. Marie and I are really good friends with the Leath’s. Rennon Leath is basically the founder of a podcast called Lazy Sundayz Lazy Sunday, Lazy Sundayz and that’s with a Z. So lazy Sunday's podcast. It's really kind of cool. It's four people who got together and have anxiety issues. So they forced themselves to start a podcast to confront their anxiety and now they just recorded their 50th Show and The 51st comes out this weekend. Yeah, so They wanted me to come down and help him see it. They held it at the Tequila 512 headquarters. Thanks to Scott Willis. Oh, can you do me a small favor

over there and hold up that bottle. oh yeah that's the old vintage bottle.  this is so now I'm going to change the camera here so this is the vintage bottle. This is the original bottle of tequila 512 that when a they were in a tasting contest according to your buddy there that he said that they call this a shit-tastic label. They did. Shit-tastic.

Once they replaced it with the new and they said yeah old label kind of cool pretty shit-tastic . Yeah,

the tequilas phenomenal . The label is bad. So can you guys hear that?


I don't know. Maybe it? Is it? Is it too loud on me? It's been first podcast.

It might just be the headphones popping?

I don’t know. It's probably something that we did with the microphone.

Ron. So run. Shout out to Ron and Paul, everybody else that helps us out with this that they're going to be dying laughs I'm going to try and put

together Episode 21 good content from Jeremy bad audio from me.

So, anyway, we go down to do the podcast we did it at Tequila 512 casita there in Austin and man great turnout. Yeah, they had what...

60 people? I was running down to the liquor store trying to buy more liquor. Yeah, everybody was having a great time. They

maxed out the what 512 made available to them. Yeah. And then we had to shut the party down at nine. That was the rules of that particular neighborhood. So, great podcast, great turnout. And then Jeremy, I'd heard Jeremy's ads on the podcast previously, I've listened to my friends podcast before and I was really intrigued because your first and second interview specifically talked about what y'all do at CBD takeout is essentially you're going to find CBD on CBD takeouts website. It's been vetted. You've made certain that the certificates of authenticity are real, and that the measurements of everything that's in there, it's real CBD per the label that's given to you now. It was at baby bathwater that we learned that just on the retail side 26 to 28 offerings of CBD to 1 are fraudulent for every good one was 26 to 28, which are not so thankfully for someone like Jeremy and CBD take out. This is a bastion of where you know, everything that you're going to find on there is vetted. And I think that hopefully over time, you'll find the KBMD will be  a part of their repertoire.

I think that would be awesome. And so I mean, Jeremy just get everybody up to speed you come from a long lineage of CBD growers. You're the seventh generation of a hemp grower you have extensive experience with CBD, your great great great great grandfather was the first original CBD producer. And now you decided to go digital but am I a little off on that?

No that’s spot on? I guess you read my bio. Yeah, like that couldn't be further from the truth.

No. So my, my career's been is in technology, so I've worked for a lot of software companies and sold, you know, really high end platforms to major corporations and may have had a great time doing it, But I wanted to do I wanted to do something different that I was passionate about. And so at the same time that I was building technology companies and doing all that I just have always had a passion for health and fitness. And I think that that goes back to being a collegiate collegiate athlete. So I was a cheerleader at the University of Kentucky. Oh, yeah. went there on a full ride. That's fantastic. died doing that. Yeah. My wife's also a cheerleader. She was a cheerleader at the University of Texas. So, you know, we grew up as gymnast and so athleticism is in my background. But then about, I don't know, age 21-22 I started and that's really kind of when things peaked I started having gut issues. And back then I didn't mean that was, what 25 years ago, something like that i there wasn't research that was readily available, you couldn't go to the, to the grocery store and find gluten free products, none of that it was really really difficult. You know, I went to doctors and had lots of blood work done and they always came back with your you're healthy, you know, but I didn't feel something just didn't feel right. And so that kind of started me off on this whole exploration of, of diet and trying to find balance in my body. And you know, I've been tweaking that for 25 years and that that's what really led us to starting CBD takeout and and getting into this industry.

Were you ever normal or more did you actually feel that there was an event that took place that changed everything?

Yeah. So when I said that, you know, around 21 22 is kind of when all of that peaked when I started peeling that onion and going back, so I had spinal meningitis when I was six months old. So massive amounts of antibiotics, you know, had IV’s in my head, all that good stuff. And, you know, at that point, nobody really knew about balancing flora, and that, that antibiotics could basically just kill all the good bacteria in your gut. And so I think from, you know, six months old that I was at a disadvantage. And then by the time maybe 15 or so, you know, just like, you know, normal teenager started having acne, and I got on tetracycline, so I took an antibiotic every single day for, you know, maybe two years. And I remember around that 15-16 I remember my body changing not in the teenage way. Just I remember Remember things with, you know, with going to the bathroom and stuff like that, that there were changes, but I didn't know. I didn't know why. So I started having a lot of athlete's foot and a lot of rashes and stuff like that. But so it was there an event? Yeah, I think there was probably a lot of events along the way that then you couple that with a college life style of shoot we were we were sponsored by Papa John's, at the University of Kentucky. I mean, we could call up and get a large pepperoni pie for like four bucks. We were We were rocking that every other day.

I have this image of Jeremy and his buddy catching that one cheerleader that they throw up in the air and she keeps getting heavier as the season goes on. It's like yeah, we gotta find a new sponsor.

Yeah, yeah. What thank God we had ephedrine back then.

That's great. So Jeremy, when when you realize that there was an opportunity there to basically take...Well, no, actually you went to this where you are starting to realize some changes. So what progressed? And how did it take to take you to where you are now?

So back that up to the question? So how did my dietary issues affect? So yeah, I think that that that just spawned a passion within me and starting to research that there were ways to put my body in a position that it could heal itself versus looking to a quick fix of let me take a pill let me you know, kind of that that approach to

this was during college when you were starting to think about this, or when did you start to do this? Yeah, yeah, that's, that's about right. It's really interesting, because everybody that we've met, that we've met in this field, when they start doing that they really get drawn to medicine. Yeah, and you didn’t. Well, I, I mean, career wise.

Oh, gotcha. Yeah. So I think What I really contemplated back then getting into more of dietetics and and going about it from the diet route, but man I am not a scientist by nature I think and and even at that stage that the issues that I was having, that you have concentration issues so, so to follow a, you know, a profession and medicine, It just wasn't in the cards for me So, and plus I like to talk so it kind of led me into more of the sales avenue of business.

You know, Eric puts people to sleep for a living and he talks the whole time so you can still do medicine. 

yeah, you can do it, but they don't ever respond to anything I say. So yeah, pretty much.

Yeah. He has full on conversations with all my patients and they wake up happy like subconsciously they love communicating with Eric.

Yeah, it's always a good dream. Yeah.

So obviously then you still pursued, your career, you said that you got into software sales correct? And but you didn't lose the passion for trying to find something that was going to allow you to heal. And I like that you say it that way, find something to heal and not a quick fix. Oftentimes the companies that cater to the medicine world now, it's pharmaceutical, and it's always a quick fix. It's a patch. You know, I didn't know that growing up. I always felt like well, you may be dependent upon medicine that's just the answer. And what I've learned is that's oftentimes absolutely incorrect. You can learn to heal from the inside and get so much better. So what turned you to that for your own personal health?

So the point around pharmaceutical companies and that methodology if you look at foundationally how how they are built, they're not financially, they're not, they're not compensated to heal you, to fix you, they are compensated to get you on a regimen, that you come back and be a repeat customer. If anybody knows about publicly traded companies, the the end goal is to increase the stock price. So pharmaceutical companies, they they don't have and this isn't a political statement, this isn't a perspective of whether they're bad or good. It's simply foundationally they have to satisfy that stock price and if they get people off of their drugs, then that stock price does not go up, it goes down, right? So, from from that perspective, they they are not going to be in the business of healing people.

clear my throat there. It’s alright. So

from the perspective of,

of healing yourself, I come from the perspective that of that we're creative beings and then We, God created us in a way that we should function properly. But what stands between us and that is desires. So does the food tastes this way? Do you want? Are you chasing the way that that tastes? Or do you not want to exercise because you're too tired? So there's the I think that there are things that stand between us living an optimal life, that it comes down to choice. So I begin to peel that onion for myself in my own life of what was standing between me and optimal health. And over time, you know, I have experimented with different supplementation or different diets and so on and so forth.

So that my perspective. I want to expand a little bit about what you just said, because that's never really been addressed before, which is that our health is related to our desires. Now we know that fast food industry we know that processed food industry, they hire, I have patients who are chemical engineers, their sole job, and they've told me this is to figure out how to make the food more palatable, more satiable, more like everything about it that you want more. How do you put a coating on a freedom? So it goes down easier. Yeah. So we have the pharmaceutical industry over here trying to combat high cholesterol, obesity, coronary vascular disease. We've got the food industry over here trying to figure out how to how do I get you to eat more Doritos? How do I get you to eat more Fritos? And I love how you said that because what you basically said is something I've never thought about. We battle our desires, but our desires are influenced by both the media scientist there's some really smart people trying to get us to take certain things.


let's go back to the beginning of this conversation was about technology. So I was in the technology business, and the exact same thing that you're talking about of how they create foods so that they're more palatable, they look better, whatever they do the same thing with, with technology. So your, your phone is created in a way that they call it gamification. How, how do they attract you? And it's really like a drug, how did they attract you in a way to keep you using the device? And once again, I'm not saying something bad about the company companies are here to be to be profitable and build a company. It's up to us to choose if if we're going to engage that or not. So it goes back to your desire. Are you do you have fomo right? So do you have to look at your device and start figuring out what am I missing? What am I missing? And I need information or you know what be at peace that you're world and things going on in your life is what's important to you versus everything else.

We're getting super deep, real quick, but I asked just another No, no, I love it. But I want to ask a couple quick things because Eric and I talked about our family and our kids all the time. You have kids, family, wife married Tell me about that real quick. 

I’ve been married for 17 years.

Two kids, 14 and 8. 

Two girls. They're fantastic. Beautiful.

Yeah. So the reason I bring this up is because a lot of times since I've had kids, so I have a 14 year old a 12 year old about ready to be 15 and 13. Eric has his sons. And when we sit there and you live your life, when you start thinking how do I want my kids to live? It really changes your perspective. For sure You suddenly just go Oh, no, I want and the fomo thing like you don't realize that you're on your phone, but when you see your kids on the phone, you go Wait a minute, and they look at you and go, but you're on yours. That that puts you in check. I mean, Eric and I talked about this all the time.

Yeah, it's difficult. I remember the when Ken and I actually just started working together. Whenever my oldest got a an iPod, they would communicate with other iPods. And I remember saying, Man, this is kind of weird. I don't know if I like it or not, but he does every now and then need a ride because he's going to soccer and basketball back then. And it helps. Maybe it was the lure that conveniently lure at that moment sank its little teeth in and then about three years later, he's got a phone and then suddenly we're like, well, that's certainly certainly is convenient in the younger we didn't have to wait till he was the same age. He actually got one about nine months later and honestly, looking back at it, I wish we had just never jumped off of that cliff. I do think that we both Marie I both have looked back and tried to carve out the time that we just absolutely don't have a phone at dinner when we’re  having family conversations etc. But the thing that stinks, is it when it's on you and you're not planning the formal talk with with whomever you whomever you're talking with even if it's your family sometimes you like oh yeah, yeah, two seconds let me finish real quick. That never existed growing up and in all I feel is more fatigue at the end of the day just because of that.

It's kind of weird. So we

somebody shared with me this YouTube video that you should probably share with your daughters. It is a Harvard psychologist which is talking about the affects and I've shared it with Eric before but it's essentially that


the fact that we have these desires and things when we get a like or and I say we because we're all human or get a like when we get a share when we get whatever it releases dopamine. Yeah. And dopamine makes you feel good for a quick second.

They knew that when they created it. Isn’t that nuts?  For sure that's nuts! It’s the gamification.

See that molecule right there? That’s dopamine, advancement of dopamine because we sit there and look at this, and I just think, wow, I want to actually...when we talk about it, we don't want. We don't want dopamine pleasure, you want happiness, Serotonin is the happiness molecule. And when you release dopamine, you actually reduce your happiness molecule, which is serotonin. So everything that is done, and unfortunately stopped, sorry. Everything that is done is to get people to do more of it. We're talking about tequila companies we're talking about. And the beauty is this is a great segway for us to talk about this, that this isn't a discussion of desires or everything. It's a discussion of how do we start healing? Yeah, well, one way to start healing is is that because of all this crap that's going on, we as a society, have an Endocannabinoid deficiency. And I think that's kind of what you were gonna get at that you were you went from the space of digital to realizing I need to start helping people.

Yeah. Well, I got to this place in my life where

I had enough money to where I could just say, you know what, I'm not going to do this anymore. And I mean, we could go down that route of, should I have done that in the beginning anyway, I don't know. But I decided I'm going to apply everything that I've know that I've learned to this point, and apply it to something that I'm passionate about and giving back to people. So all of this research that I've done, and you talk about not going down the route of, of medicine. I did it in my own way. Right. It was, it was experimental. And, and so I gained a lot of knowledge along the way of what worked for me and I wanted to I wanted to give back so we took that that knowledge especially in the technology space and applied it to I mean if you go to our site it's I'm going to brag a little bit our site is is fantastic. We've got a....

what's the URL real quick so we've got a bot on there that readily answers questions now it's about to get an upgrade so he's not perfect right now but we're we're growing and we're we're making updates to the system but technologically we're we're, we're spot on. So we wanted to build a fantastic site that was really easy to use. And then we saw an issue in the market with this flood of CBD products that were unregulated and because I have toyed with supplementation for so long, I there’s so...You can say so much and it's hard to weed through all of that junk and so we wanted to help people by vetting those products and having a marketplace of fantastic products in one place that like you talked about that have the the lab tests and every product has the lab tests that you can pull up and see on our site.

That's awesome. I think it's I love it when people have a success in one industry and then want to give back. That’s essentially what you're saying.

Well, I wanted to do that all along, but it...

No we don’t want to tell our audience that I made you take off all your gold chains and your watches and what you've got like for Lambos out front right? 

Right. Not that well. I can just pay my bills. Let’s say it that way. 

But it is it's just fascinated because you come from a background of health and there's no doubt about it, dude. I mean, Kentucky cheerleading. I have had friends that have been cheerleaders and they’re like the most. I mean, they're like now CrossFit beasts that I work out with. I'm just like, holy cow. Yeah, these guys like that is hardcore. 

Yeah, Kentucky cheerleaders a dynasty. I think they're on their 23rd national title, I lose count. But my my teammates still a coach their Jamal Thompson. And they are, they are beasts. They're fantastic.

It's so I mean, essentially you're a an elite athlete, gets sick, tries to discover his route develops a successful business. And then wants to give back and you're giving back by CBD takeout by trying to make sure that people have access to proper material, proper products, proper supplements. I think that's fantastic.

Yeah, I think the other thing to say there is, we were dedicated to the process. You know, when there's a product that everyone wants and needs, it's very easy to get on the latest gimmick and we refused to do that. We We're taking our time to vet these products to vet these companies and, and really vet the trends. And that's that's not easy to do that takes a lot of time to figure out what is right for for people and what products are right for people. So that's important to us.

I was just looking at something because I don't hardly ever get to correct anybody but I want to have some fun since you went to Kentucky. Kentucky did win a ton of national championships in a row. And they finally were unseated by the Texas Tech Red Raiders this last year. I just had to throw that out there. So welcome to the show.


I love the I rarely get to correct anybody just asked Marie. Yeah, I'm going to use this opportunity even though we're on our first podcast and I'm going to insult our first guest, but I never get to do it. I never get

to do it and do it because

Have you seen Scott yet?

Since we were... Oh no I haven't. Okay well the nevermind. 

I'm holding that okay. Yeah okay. 

But back to Texas Tech now look them up and see how many they have won. I think it's one.

You're right. We just did it we just did it so you can come on the show.

In fact, you know, they are always...I work for the organization that you know for that competition. Varsity spirit worked for them for a long time. They want someone else to win because nobody wants to go compete because like well, Kentucky's already won and the competition hasn't started yet. So there are they're actively hoping that someone comes and beats the team.

I went I went to the football game this last weekend because gage went out to go visit Tech's campus and when we were there, they talked about how there was finally a school to unseat Kentucky. Yeah, I'll still give mad props. I mean, that's, that's a huge thing. I mean, so it's basketball and cheerleading. Everybody knows that about Kentucky. It's because

the university really supports the program. If you go to other universities, they just don't support the program and I understand cheerleading is a huge liability and it doesn't make any money. Kentucky just really appreciates. I mean that there's there's been a guy there. T. Lynn Williamson he is the university attorney. And he started the cheerleading team at the University of Kentucky. Dedicated.

How dedicated Kentucky is to finding talent, too. He doesn't come from Kentucky. He's originally from Denver city, Texas. Yeah. Yeah. I'm from Texas.

Yeah. How'd you end up going to Kentucky? Doing cheerleading? Yeah, yeah.

So I went to a junior college first. And I got recruited. So the junior college I went to was really good at cheerleading as well. 

And you come from a background of gymnastics is that correct?  

yes. Yep. 

Man that's impressive.

Well, now I'm just old and...

You're not that old.

So one of the things I want to ask you did you have to quit gymnastics after you grew the mustache because the aerodynamics threw you off, or is that something that you can still do gymnastics with? 

Actually when you twist it makes this cool whisp.

you spin faster.

So one of the secrets if you guys are not out there the reason why Kentucky wins and gymnastics every year is that all the men have to have mustaches because it actually it actually augments the twists and turns. Yeah, yeah, that is awesome. So you have this really kind of cool background and then you do CBD Takeout and you're doing it for one reason. It's one reason is to source proper supplements. Is it only CBD or do you guys have other supplements or what are you doing? 

So it's all CBD in different shapes and forms, right? We've got salve, we've got capsules, we've got tinctures, we've got massage oils, there's quite a few different we stay away from the gimmicks like CBD candles, CBD toilet paper, that kind of stuff. We don't carry that. We want good value for our customers, you know, if you if you can't absorb it into your system, and there's really no value to it, we don't carry it. But, you know, honestly, I've built a business for scale to be able to help as many people as we can to reach as many people as we can. So in terms of direction of will we can carry other products, I'm open to that. Does it help people? Does it increase the benefit of CBD? If there's a product out there, maybe cue  Atrantil. That that works together that has a harmonizing effect, we would consider that.

When he and his wife went home, he let me know that she'd already picked up Atrantil from people's pharmacy. Oh, that's awesome.

Yeah. Well, what I love about this is that you're not doing the death by 1000 cuts. You're staying true to one thing. We're going to do one thing. We're going to build a really good website first. 


We're going to make sure that the thing that I'm good at which is digital, we're going to do it well. And then we're going to offer this. Now you have a calling to this, why do you think it's going to make a difference?

I think in that goes back to you talking about building it in a way that we can execute properly. I, I'm convinced that and I mean  there's science behind this, you can talk about this that our bodies need cannabis. And and so I, I think that there's some interesting reasons why people have been have been kept from cannabis for so long. And I'm frankly I'm just excited to be a part of call it a revolution Call it whatever. I think the impact that cannabis can have on people lives because you can remove so many pharmaceuticals, you can aid with cannabis. And then that puts you on a road. I don't think cannabis is the end all. I think that it can still be a crutch depending on how you use it. I think it is. It has the potential to put people on the road to healing. So I think it's very powerful. I think that there is a fantastic opportunity. If we can wade through all of the noise and trust me people there is a lot of noise in the business right now. The the people that I talked to day in and day out. There's some great people that are getting into the cannabis business, but there's a lot of people that honestly it's the the old culture of just drug dealers that have moved one step over to legitimising and they still have the same principles and so  we're really committed to the culture of cannabis and representing it in in a proper way and we could spend probably an hour talking about what I think the the proper way to do that but... 

Let me just clarify really quick for the listeners here so cannabis what you're talking about right now on your website is purely CBD correc?t 

Correct. Yes and we split that up. We have some that are guaranteed THC free we've got a filter on that. If you need something that is guaranteed THC free you can find it easily. But everything is hemp derived so it's all . 3% or less so all federally legal.

And it's so frustrating because when we get into this we understand that the confusion about it. Cannabis where you're knowledgeable about it because we know that comes from the same genus species of the plant, but everybody hears cannabis and they have a connotation of it.

Yeah but in and that's the that's the thing that I'm talking about changing because I believe in the power of THC as well in proper dosing. But here's the thing is we don't even in legal states, the the science has not come along enough for people to get accurate. dosing, time and time again, it's still trial and error. And so while you can't overdose from THC, you know, from a medicinal standpoint where you know, you can't kill yourself, but it can cause psychological issues if you consume too much THC. So that's the culture that I'm talking about where THC has this, this negative connotation because it's been attached to this attitude of rebellion. How high can I get, can I get the strongest THC product available, and I just think that's wrong. And because it's been represented that way, then we don't get the the truly beneficial aspects of THC and and so many people have dismissed it, but then they'll go get, you know, an anti anxiety drug that causes 15 other issues. So how do we move back to this culture of, you know, business people should be able to consume small amounts of THC that are blended with other cannabinoids. So if it's just THC, that's where that's where you have issues with. I'm super paranoid and I'm freaked out. If you were to consume a nice dose of CBD in conjunction with that, it balances it out real nicely. So I just think that the industry is in the elementary stages right now and I'm talking to all of the the entire cannabis industry. I think it's in the elementary stages. And we're excited to be a part of that.

You know, we if anybody's interested in getting a little bit more into this Chris Cresser just had a little client in both friends of ours just had a little client who is CEO of oh hi energetics on his show. And Will went into deep detail about the history of hemp, CBD, marijuana, Cannabis, whatever. And it's been ingrained in our culture for so many years, our genetics actually eat a certain amount of it. And one of the things that's really fascinating to me is that we used to feed our livestock, hemp. And when they would eat that, like a chicken would have an anecdote of 250 milligrams of CBDA in it and then our bodies would convert it. That would be the acidic version of it to get all sciency and stuff. But basically, we were getting CBD in our diet until the US government decided to say. Okay, now wait, this is an illegal product, we're going to ban it and then the farm bill came around just recently in the last five years and started changing things and now it's become more available, but I think you're exactly right. I think that the black and white notion of I'm going to get high or I'm not going to get high I'm going to do this and that am I  doing something? No I was testing mine. But we're...Eric you could probably attest to this remember that the Joe Rogan does a whole set about how people have done that they get the little gummy. Eric and I, Eric and I are huge comedy fans. Yeah, yeah, like like he actually takes his sons to comedy shows when they buy and don't like to see what you see. Who the guys you've seeing live?

In the last year we've seen Bill Burr, Tom Segura, Marie went with us on that and we also saw Hannibal Burris. 


I mean it's it's a pretty rich and actually gauge for his birthday last week he and his friends went to go see Eric Andre that's off the chain. Wild stuff right there.

Yeah, Who was the comedian at  baby bathwater that just wrecked it.

Oh, goodness. What is her name? She killed it.   

She's a total amateur and just gets up there and just starts. She was in

She was in between bands on the top of a mountain and when I mean she nailed it. It was like, you gotta have your own Netflix special nailed, really. And she just sat there with her iPhone. She's like, I just don't talk about this and just killed. 

Love it. 

I respect comedy at that level, just having the balls to get up there and just do it is nuts. 

No kidding. 

So anyways, I'm digressing, but basically Joe Rogan does a whole set about how the guy gives him a gummy and he goes, just eat the arm. He's

like the arm? What kind of shit are we making these days? 

They just are gummy bears.

They just they are. 

I can't tell you how many times I hear that story of people. They're like, oh, I'm going on vacation. My wife and I are going on vacation to Colorado. And we're going to eat some gummies so they eat gummies and they're like, man, I got so high. I was freaked out and like what I mean, that's what I'm talking about. You don't have access to how do you dose properly and edibles are especially bad because you're going through your digestive system and how much did you eat before that? How hydrated you are? So you know the insulin uptake yet all of that... 

Jeremy, have you ever tried alcohol? Drink this bottle.

Right? Right just chug it.


yeah. Can you guys hear me crackling? 

Yeah, I don't know. 

What's up with that?

Yeah, I think so. 

You know what I'm gonna go take a little pee break real quick. Okay, figure we forgot the crackling you guys keep talking and you're on camera right now. 

All right. 

Okay so what we'll do is we'll hit here real quick about whenever someone does visit CBD takeout something that's interesting to me. We get feedback a lot about people that take CBD currently and order it from KBMD health. Most of our feedback though, is directed towards people who come to see Ken for gut issues in particular, IBD such as Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, advancing proctitus, even to a lesser extent, a lot of folks who have found issues with celiac disease, but that began to open up a completely different arm of people who have systemic autoimmune disease. So a lot of IBD's are viewed as are viewed as an autoimmune disease in and of themselves, but so is psoriatic arthritis or all the way up to Alzheimer's. Where do you get a lot of your reviews from? Because the thing I really love about your right, your website's great, and I've seen it before, but as I'm watching it scroll now. You get so many athletes on here. Yeah. And Brandon, the host of lazy Sunday'z podcast, has his own CrossFit gym. So the synergy there and your application obviously the way that you're marketing to these folks, where do you get mostl of your reviews and do you see them kind of branch out a little bit?

Yeah. So one of the things that we looked at when we we developed a site was what are the the markets that we want to to support and athletes is definitely one of those you can see that pretty quickly when you go to the site. And the reason that we wanted to focus on athletes is because the CBD's ability to help with recovery is is really, really great. So and what I mean by that is I don't think it's any secret that CBD helps with sleep, sleep quality. So if you can improve your your sleep quality, then your body is going to recover better and more quickly and for athletes that that's key, especially within the CrossFit, CrossFit world. It's how much how much output can you get out of your body, and so recovery is the biggest is a big deal there. And then the other thing is, you've got receptors in your skin, Endocannabinoid receptors and so you can use topicals to reduce soreness. So athletes use our products very consistently. So obviously a group that we we wanted to service. Another group is the aging community that does have issues with specifically arthritis, because, like you mentioned, Eric arthritis is a symptom of, of inflammation. And so CBD has shown that it has the ability to lower inflammation. And so we get a lot of feedback from that group. I think also that group is, I don't know, I feel like they are more open to providing us feedback. We get more more feedback from that age group than we do from our athletes. Athletes are always talking about it when we see them, but that aging community man they give us a lot of reviews and feedback, a lot of emails and we hear fantastic stories, you know, you want to talk about reaping the benefits of creating a company. We talked about this quite a bit of, you know, customer saying, I haven't been able to walk in, you know, six months because of my arthritis. And now I it's changed. This was a word that was used, it changed my countenance I had to go look it up. But it really is helping with that arthritic community. In fact, we've written a couple of blogs on on how it helps with arthritis.

Wasn't Chad Hudson, his father, one of those that..

He was, yeah, he got off of opioids. I mean that that stuff blows me away when we look at the opioid crisis that that we're having in the United States. If if we are directly directly related to helping people get off of opioids, man, I'll keep doing this forever.

That's that's, that's no joke. So Ken, just while you stepped out. I was talking about how we get feedback through KBMD mostly it originates around gut health gut issues, gut inflammation about what we've started to basically branch out and get reviews from people going, I have autoimmune disease, etc, etc. But essentially, like Jeremy just outlined, it all is based around inflammation. So according to their website, if you look at everything and it's it's based around athletes and recovery is where they started getting their reviews, but now, just like what we experienced the KBMD health, you're starting to get reviews from all different facets and it's the geriatric community is pretty impressed I think with their, their access now to CBD. And it's unfortunate that it took until their golden years to start finding something that is going to work for them.

There's a couple of, if I can, a couple of other areas unless you're going to if you're going to change the topic. We gotta goat in here. 

We've got a goat. Goodness gracious.

So a couple of other areas that we are focused on on the site. One is, is pets because they also have an endocannabinoid system. And, you know, we hear dogs freaking out on the 4th of July.

I'm sorry, I was trying to time that to open for you. I was going to have a bark and I tried to download an animal sound and it became a goat. So but one of the things that people don't realize is that goats take CBD too. Yes, if you have goats. Let's make sure that...

We have a goat section...look for the goat tab.

So one of the things so I I've actually talked to a lot of high goat athletes that have been going to your site CBD takeout Yeah, yeah. These are elite goat athletes. These are goat jumpers goat runners, and they love it.

Yeah, yeah. We're thinking about rebranding it to just be I mean the feedback we get from the goat community.

Of the animal species they're some of the best credits in there. 


And they can they can actually afford high level CBD.

You'll find that selection in your takeout C Billy Dee

I was trying to think of something, something snappy, but that was good.

I'm really good. I'm really good at URLs, man. 


So yeah, so um, unfortunately, I have to, you know, one of the one of the addictions that Eric does have is that he buys basically he owns every domain name.

He spends hours on Godaddy.

I got an idea

All of a sudden you'll be like oh, that'll be funny to have like goat CBD athletes but somebody bought that?

I have if you want it?


Just kidding.

20 grand.

I'm sorry. 

No, I mean, the same endocannabinoid system so it it helps with anxiety and you know, dogs freaking out on the Fourth of July and if they have arthritis, I mean it's really beneficial. So we've got dog treats and tinctures and all that stuff for cats and dogs and animals.

So let's just really quick because when we talked on the phone, we were talking more like my whole role is science. So not to sit there and a joke about goats and goat athletes and all sort of stuff but let's be honest about something. We we have a system called the endocannabinoid system, just as important as the cardiovascular system, neurologic system or gastro intestinal system, which I'm a specialist in. Eventually we're going to have doctors labeled as Endocannabinologist. 


It's that important that it will be incorporated into med school, we will have specialists. And what we're going to need is people like you that are sorting through people that are just trying to make a buck, and you're able to put stuff up there that can actually help some people. So much like I like a website called Where they vet products, you're doing the exact same thing for the CBD industry. And I commend you on that. And I want to thank you for coming out of your other other profession and being able to put your digital expertise into something to help people.

Yeah, it appreciate it. You're right. We talked about the mess. I mean, what do you say 22 out of 24 products I don't know.

Actually what they said was 26 to 28 to one yeah, is a fraudulent product.

I don't know if you guys listen to the FDA hearing on CBD, but one of the things that kept coming up over and over and over maybe the most consistent thing was, how many fraudulent products there are out there. And it's it's bad. And I think, I mean, that's where the benefit of having the FDA regulate. You know, what can be said and what can't you know, from a marketing perspective is important because you've got people that just want to make a quick buck and they look for situations like this on a early to market, non regulated product that actually works. It is a quick buck type business person's dream. But you got to balance that with how do we vet all these products out and vet these companies. And that's what we we partner with those companies that we feel like are going to be there for the long term. And, and those are the products that we have.

What I feel I like the most though about CBD takeout and this approach is that oftentimes with something like the FDA, you're right, they may try to put in some tools or mechanisms to prevent something from happening. But what ends up happening oftentimes is they block access to legitimacy. 


So really, what Jeremy and his company are doing, I think, is from the inside, you're basically beating them to the punch saying no no no we've got a mechanism here. We can filter out the bad, we want to bring you the good so having a resource like that to turn to say, if I shop here this is where I'm going to find the high quality product it's no different than going to a natural grocers and knowing that every time you buy produce in there it's going to be organic regardless of the supplier 


Or going to a whole foods and saying when I shop in the organic section here, I know this has been vetted, it's been tested I can trust what I'm buying here. There's lots of other reputable grocery stores I'm not just singling them out but there's a market for the market itself to police itself and they will rise.

Yeah, you know where I think that's going to be particularly important at where I think that we're we're going to really take off is when the other cannabinoids start catching on when that research research starts showing that CBN CBG and blended cannabinoids because we will have already shown our community that we vet CBD companies and it's going to be the same companies that are doing the research on CBN CBG and we will be able to offer that very quickly to our customers as that comes to market.

For somebody who is a former cheerleader slash digital marketer who doesn't believe that he should have get on a new medicine you are you are speaking like a doctor. And it is phenomenal. You're speaking like a researcher. What you're describing is, you understand the next wave of this. The majority of people don't even have any clue about CBD or anything else like that. But you're talking next level type stuff. Because the way that I envision it is the endocannabinologist will sit there and say, oh, my goodness, you have ankylosing spondylitis with ankylosing spondylitis. What I believe is that you need a ratio of THC of 10% CBD of 30% CBG of x and this is going to be the response you're going to have in order to be able to control your immune system. And we're not gonna have to put you on prednisone would not have to put you on infliximab, but Remicade or Humera, and the future of this is essentially real medicine. And when, because what I would like to do, I mean, when you sit there and say I love the fact in the very beginning of the show, you said, Well, I made enough money doing this other thing that I can focus on my other thing, I would like to make enough money doing my thing that I can sit there and do my real passion, which is research. I love research. I want to be able to sit there and say, Jeremy, I believe that I'm going to do this study, we're going to pay for it. We're going to look at what these different Endocannabinoids do in different diseases, and then I can go to somebody like you that can actually promote it in an ethical, honest way to say that this is the research that's there. If this is something that you believe that you need, that's awesome, but we've done our homework on the products that are there. And quite honestly, if it's OhHi energetics if it's elixinol that CBD line with CBD plus, these are all really good companies. Yeah, we need to get the word out. It doesn't matter who's putting it out there. Yeah, it's Not a competition anymore. It's a matter of let's start helping some people.

Yeah, yeah, man, you're hitting on a lot of a lot of great things that I'm it. I'm wondering how how deep I outta go into this, but you talk about ethics. And I mean, that is a common thing that you hear in business people talking about, we want to do this ethically I'm to the point that if if we can't do it ethically, I'm not going to do it. And that that really becomes a complicated issue. When you look at you gotta pay your bills, you got it, you have to decide, do we make this dollar or do we do this ethically, and I just got to the point where if I'm very solidified in that fact of the company will grow if we are servicing enough people in the right way. And when you talk about doing that research Doing what you're passionate about, and doing it ethically. I just encourage you to stick to that. And things, things will happen to reward that in a way because we need that research from from a humanity standpoint, we're our, our society is so written with anxiety, and I mean, everybody it is, I hate to use extremes, but everybody hates each other because they're on this political side or that political side and I'm just tired of, of our society being that way. And I'm susceptible as well. And and so, I, you start sparking, sparking these emotions in me when you start talking about those things of ethics and what you're passionate about and all those things because, man, our country has, has falsely said that We we were on this righteous pursuit and and we've said it for a long time as a country. And honestly, I don't think that was the deal. I think we were in the pursuit of of making money. And so I'm hoping that we can heal as a nation and go back to, to this place of being responsible and helping each other out even when it might be detrimental to ourselves. And what I mean by that is, okay, I'm going to help you even though that's going to cost me money in a way where I can't pay my bills. So stepping out there in a way to help each other like we should be doing.

That reminds me of the book Atlas Shrugged by Imran.

Imran. Yeah.

The definition of altruism to actually do something where you are not going to benefit. Yeah, that is the definition of it. So...

Big shout out also since we've been talking about CPG to Dan and Kayla Wright from Green Sweet are a small company that is started just out of California and they're going around finding all organic land from California is as far east as Texas to plant basically hemp and cultivate before it grows too big so that they can simply go to CPG. Because they want to do research. 


They want they are dedicated research and they're going to work with OhHi. And hopefully us as we go forward.

It's one of those things this is like this is it's it's super cool that we're setting up this conversation because that means is essentially the first time we've met but it's crazy. How many people want the same thing. You want your kids to be healthy. You want to live a healthy life. Yes. You want to be able to pay your bills. Yes, you want to do all this stuff, but the majority of people want society to rise as a whole. Yeah, we really want to help and I think that one way that we can do this is to focus on the endocannabinoid system. Yeah, and just get everything back in balance. Yep, that's my thing that I tell all my patients The endocannabinoid system. What it does is just mediates everything to get everybody back in balance so that you're not over firing. It's not a big nerve that's setting off.

Yeah. Yeah. The cool thing about that is, you know, Eric, you were talking about the feedback that we get. And yeah, I think CBD might be getting a bad rap for all it fixes everything. But the weird thing about it is when you balance your body, I mean, I was talking to somebody the other day that said that they had male male pattern baldness and they said, Well, my hair started growing back. And you could you could save what the CBD is not going to do that. But the thing is, is CBD is putting his body back in balance to do what it was supposed to do. So his body was just out of balance in a way. 

Alright, so I mean, not to not to interrupt, but a great example is when I see patients and they're like I've have I'm having weight loss. I'm having a hair falling out having this and that and then we can get to the point where you realize oh, you're not sleeping well, you're stressed. Your your thyroids out, and then we fix that. And then everything starts fixing itself. They don't think anything of that, right? They're like, Oh, well, we got your thyroid back to normal. Yeah, your hair is growing back, you're sleeping better. You're having normal bowel movements. It's all good. They're like, Oh, yeah, my thyroid's back to normal. That's cool. And we did that through nutrition usually, yeah. Because I'm not a not an endocrinologist. So I don't just you know, but we usually do it through nutrition and you know, change in lifestyle. Nobody thinks anything of that and, and then when we do the endocannabinoid system, ahthat can't be true, yeah. Guess what? Yeah, it essentially is like a hormone. Yeah, it's essentially it's a system. The endocrinology system is everywhere in your body. Your neurological system is everywhere in your body. The endocannabinoid system is everywhere in your body. Why can't it just come back to balance and cool things started happening? 

Yeah, it can 

That's awesome well I think that'll do it for our first podcast from the first studio our first our new studio

Well we want to we want to end with one, okay. We always want to end with something with our guests. 


So Jeremy tell us one last time about CBD takeout where they can go to find you where they can find you on social media the usual stuff and why supporting you supports the industry and helps people.

Yep. Right on. So You can find us on Instagram CBD underscore takeout Facebook CBD takeout you know all the normal stuff you can find this if you go looking for us. We are a marketplace that vet CBD companies and provides the best slash high value CBD products and that has many different forms. You know, tinctures, salves, all that good stuff. And in one fantastic, easy to use website, one place to find that you know, going back to the the benefit of the industry is we're doing the work you know speaking to you customers. We know that you're overwhelmed with trying to find a good CBD product first you're like, what does this do? Second, why is it everywhere in the gas station or whatever? Third, how do I choose the product for me? I would recommend you go to, we're doing that work for you and constantly reading laws, reading science, reading the research and vetting these companies to provide great products for you to use.

It's awesome. I got one question for you. I've been looking for the best CBD toilet paper. Do you guys offer that?

Yes and it's made of goats hair.

No, no mo nomo hair.

There you go. That's great.

So and I wanted to add one of the things that you said when we first met to your website that ya'll wanted to add and the reason why I wanted to get you in and and Ken here together is soon ya'll like to be able feature educational videos. Basically walk people through the application of CBD and what to look for. 

Yeah, certainly. And we're about to launch a video series. It takes time, you know, coming from the technology world. I don't have video, well, I didn't have video equipment. I didn't have all these microphones and all this stuff and so acquiring that and figuring out what equipment do we need and, and hiring a good editing company and because if you outsource everything, you guys have probably figured this out, you lose your voice. And and so we figured that out pretty early that if we had a marketing agency doing everything for us and videographers and everything, then they were telling us what to do and they were chopping it up in a way that we didn't necessarily want to do. So we have decided to slow that down. Everything is done in in house and then we we will dictate, you know, hire out certain things but it takes time to build all of that but we are coming out with a video educational series. And y'all frankly, let us know what you want to hear we we don't want to just be talking about stuff that we're interested in. We're directing this to you guys and to educate, educate our customers, so let us know.

Well, I'm going to offer this to CBD Takeout that the thing that we can offer Eric and I, which is science, yep. And so, you know, if there's, we have access to graduate students that look up a lot of articles. I just got into several articles today from our favorite graduate student, and she sent me some crazy stuff on the endocannabinoid system and autism and you just eat it up because then you start breaking it down. What I want to do is I want to say the how and the why that these things can happen. Yeah, for instance, it isn't that oh male pattern baldness gets better with this. I'm going to say, here's the markers that get improved when you take CBD because your own endocannabinoid system will decrease the inflammatory brain markers aisle 12 aisle 23, TNF alpha, TNF beta and it's done in animals and it's done in humans and they look at it and people go there's no research. No, there's tons of research. Yeah, there's tons of research, you just got to put the work in and we fortunately have somebody who's a rock star at finding this kind of information and I get daily emails that when I have my next job when I make enough money and I can do what you're doing into the thing that I really want to do, then I can sit there and spend all day looking at it but that you're exactly right. So our our, our gift to you, we want to make sure that CBD takeout is successful. And we want to help you in any way. So if your if your audience if your listeners ask questions, we want to make videos for you CBD takeouts and not for a product for you that we can offer some help for your listeners and explain different things.

Yeah, yeah, fantastic. I think that'll be great because one of the things I mean, it's why I'm here is there, there are people out there that don't want to be guinea pigs and don't want anecdotal evidence they want science and frankly, I don't blame them and, and so that's one of the things that we want to get better at is providing hard science as it's coming out and being on the cutting edge of all the research we want to be leading with with that information.

Sweet. Jeremy, thank you so much for hopping on the show. So you'll find Jeremy's fine offerings at that is also brought to you today by Atrantil. Go to forward slash spoony save some money. But you're giving me hands here. 

I'm just giving hands because I'm just like oh wow this is sponsored by so many wonderful things

That's right. 

Sponsored by love, sponsored by God, this is sponsored by the world, this is sponsored by...

Yeah, I wanna I want to thank lazy Sunday'z Podcast for bringing Jeremy and I together Tequila 512 casita, you can find about find out more about tequila 512 at And of course, the new website for KBMD Health should be rolling out pretty soon If you don't like the current site, you have no one to blame but me because websites should not be built by anesthesia providers. Shitty website.

Right? So Jeremy, so this is this is one of the things and this is this little piece of advice to everybody out there listening. So I have a patient who's an extremely successful business person. And the one of the things he told me was that you want to know the number one reason why businesses fail. I'm going to ask you this. What's Jeremy, what's the number one reason why businesses fail?

I would say lack of execution.

That's much better than me. I said lack of funding. Okay, so he said, they never jump. They never jump off the dock. Yeah, there's essentially execution. Yeah, they never just jumped anf go well, Eric and I are jumpers and sometimes we don't build real build the best thing.

It's a long way down. A really, really long way. Yeah.

And then when you smack, then what do you do? There's a quote from Mike Tyson that that I love. And he said, I'm gonna mess it all up. I'm paraphrasing. Everybody's tough until they get hit in the mouth.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. That's his classic quote. 

Yeah, I mean. 

Everybody says I'm gonna do this, this and this

Now, what do you do? So jumping, I'm also a jumper. And I've had to learn over time when you bounce now what do you do? And I've learned to think before I jump a little bit, man, when I was young, I would just jump. Here we go. You gotta jump. I mean, that's how you start, but then when you bounce then what do you do? How do you execute from there on out?

Well the beauty of this is that I'm not a jumper by nature I'm a I'm truly like and it's funny when I think about it I'm truly a scientist by nature I've been Yeah, I've been a nerd my entire life. I've been in healthcare my entire life. And then you meet somebody like Eric and you get inspired and then we developed a product called Atrantil. And all of a sudden you realize that you become a jumper but I'm like, does not necessarily parachute but it's more Mary Poppins. My umbrella is science. Yes, well, I'm gonna jump but I'm pretty good idea that because of what's already been discovered what's already been shown, I'm going to land softly. Yeah, and I'm not going to do a dead cat bounce and, you know, just smack. And that's an old stock term, I think where people would sit there and say when the stock just plummets, it'll have a little bounce and that adds a dead cat bounce.  I'm not trying to offend the feline lovers and things like that.

If you are get some CBDs and your cat will feel better.

It's a stock term.

But yeah so I love being around like minded people like you you've got a ton of energy your your mission on CBD takeout is not only ethical but it's going to change lives and we're in the same boat we're here to help people Yeah, I love it. So I want to thank you so much for being our first guest on the show brother. 

Thanks for having me. 

Thanks a lot Jeremy.

Yeah, that's Episode 21 in the books be sure and check us out and we will see ya'll with  Episode 22. 

Do we need to do anything with love my tummy or anything? you can still save money at That's where you'll get your Atrntil which will actually enhance the use of your CBD 

Now not to steal away from CBD Takeout but our Spoony friends move a little CBD as well. 

They are they are definitely moving a little bit of CBD. Thank you to Ron everybody over at Mojo and at Spoony and all the listeners there as well. It's good to be back on the air. We appreciate all the support

What is Gut Check Project?

Improve your health & quality of life, find the truth between natural and medical science. Join Ken and Co-host Eric Rieger on the GCP, and get an unfiltered approach to your health as they host guests from all over the world. Nothing is off limits. Step in and get your gut checked...Ken (Kenneth Brown, MD) is a board certified gastroenterologist that turned his private practice into a hotbed of innovation. Ken has long been intrigued on how to best care for his patients. He challenged big pharma and developed an all natural solution (Atrantil) for bloating and symptoms of IBS. That lead him to dig deeper and find more answers and uses for polyphenols. Then he began to help his patients that were suffering from inflammation, not only in their guts, but their entire bodies, including neuro/brain & immune issues. Dr. Brown has tackled serious issues with natural and proven methods that his patients love him for. But he is not finished. The Gut Check Project exists to find better answers for you in all aspects of health. Experts in all fields of study, industry, and interest will be found on the GCP. Eric (Eric Rieger, CRNA) is Ken's business partner and actually met Ken while delivering anesthesia to his patients in 2012. Eric saw first hand the passion that Ken had for his patients, his support staff, and for the answers that could improve people's lives. Eric enjoys science and research swell, and has a passion for helping people find sensible means to take care of themselves, but always armed with the best information. Join the GCP and SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!!!!