How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic

How do you rebuild your practice, after a significant setback?

Dr Patrick Treacy is an unlikely person to answer that question.

He is one of the best-known aesthetic doctors in the world.

Show Notes

And also one of the most adventurous! He grew up in Ireland during the troubles, and later travelled the globe - smuggling cars from Germany to Turkey, witnessing the fall of the Berlin wall, living in Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad, working as a ship’s surgeon in California and with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia.

On his return to Dublin, he founded Ailesbury Clinic, where he was a pioneer in the very early field of aesthetic medicine. He became known for his research on the influence of Botox on the brain and nowadays is consulted by doctors worldwide on dermal fillers complications.

Patients have flocked to his doors, including, famously, Michael Jackson. And in 2018, he was given a special MyFaceMyBody Award in recognition of his scientific contribution to Aesthetic Medicine.

What many people don’t realize is that Dr Treacy has had downs as well as ups in his career.

When the financial crash occurred in 2008, his global chain of more than 20 clinics collapsed, leaving him to start almost all over again.

In today’s episode, we talk openly about what that was like, what he learned from the experience about how to scale an aesthetic clinic - and how to deal with tough times.

Plus we discussed:

>> Where his wanderlust came from...

>> How he persuaded the banks to loan him the money for his first clinic, even though they’d never heard of aesthetic medicine

>> Why he had the confidence to open an aesthetic clinic when the concept virtually didn’t exist

>> Why scaling up doesn’t necessarily mean opening more clinics

>> 3 lessons he learned about how to run different branches of your clinic efficiently

>> Why he intends to work until 70 - or beyond...

...And more.

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Ailesbury Clinic website

Ailesbury Clinic on Facebook

Connect to Dr Treacy on LinkedIn

The Needle and the Damage Done - Amazon US / Amazon UK

What is How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic?

You’re listening to How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic….

The podcast where the most high-performing owners of aesthetic clinics and medspas from all over the world tell their stories…

…And share the strategies and insights that allowed them to grow their businesses from often humble beginnings - to soaring success.

If you’ve ever tried to build a clinic, you’ll know that it takes a lot more than “just” being a great doctor or practitioner….

And it helps when you learn from the best in the industry.

So join me, Miriam Shaviv, host and director of content at Brainstorm Digital, as we explore how aesthetic clinic owners just like you have developed the mindset, skills and experience to transform their businesses….