Actually Very Good with Steph Cook

Steph speaks with Joan, the mom of the Instagram sensation "backpack kid," and Philip Schtärke, who owns a pool hall and hopes to train America's next top pool player. Guests Kelly Cooper (@kellyccooper / The Wild West, 8/30 at the New Women's Space) and Rollie Williams (@Rolliewilliams / DiWrecktEd presents Ridley Scott 8/20 at Baby's All Right)

Show Notes

Steph speaks with Joan, the mom of the Instagram sensation "backpack kid," and Philip Schtärke, who owns a pool hall and hopes to train America's next top pool player. Guests Kelly Cooper (@kellyccooper / The Wild West, 8/30 at the New Women's Space) and Rollie Williams (@Rolliewilliams / DiWrecktEd presents Ridley Scott 8/20 at Baby's All Right)

What is Actually Very Good with Steph Cook?

Steph Cook (The Holy F*** Comedy Hour, Kill All Comedy) is a woman living in New York City inspired to interview the most interesting people that she finds wandering the city. The best comedians in NYC guest as weird characters with crazy stories. New episodes every Wednesday!