Authentic Catholic Feminism

Throughout the Medieval period, but especially during the early Middle Ages, it was considered neither unusual nor offensive for a woman to reign and rule as Queen. What are we to make of that?

What is Authentic Catholic Feminism?

Can authentic Catholics be “feminists”? Pope St. John Paul repeatedly called for a new, truly Catholic feminism that would challenge the way the secular world approaches the rights and dignity of women in our time. This "Authentic Catholic Feminism" is rooted in Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and the lives of the Saints.

Like the most popular forms of secular feminism, Authentic Catholic Feminism, upholds the equal value of women, but it proclaims that women also have distinctive gifts that they bring to families, to the workplace, and to wider society, and that we need to welcome and foster these gifts. In fact, St. John Paul insisted that our lost and broken world needs this “feminine genius” now, more than ever.

Join theologian and scholar Robert Stackpole, STD, Director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy, as he explores the roots and the relevance of this exciting new movement in Catholicism today.