
This week it’s one year since Ukraine was invaded and the war started. Oleksandr Polishchuk and Ivan Martsilenko are students at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. Also Jelle Bruin is guest, being head of the student parliament, Studenttinget, at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Oleksandr and Ivan share their experiences from Kyiv during wartime, experiences as both being students as well as heads of student parliaments. Some of their experiences are tragic, while they also have perspectives which surprice. Oleksandr and Jelle have already for some weeks been in dialogue and together with Ivan they share some thoughts about possibilities for cooperation on student level between their universities.

Great thanks to Oleksandr and Ivan for sharing their experiences from the difficult wartime!


Creators & Guests

Siri Smith
Siri works as Climate and Sustainability Coordinator at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Kjartan Lerøy Grønhaug
Kjartan works as technician at Medielab at Høgskulen på Vestlandet and produces the good sound when we make the episodes in studio.

What is 17-målspodden?

Hva kan bærekraftig utvikling - eller bærekraft - handle om? De 17 bærekraftsmålene spenner bredt. Det handler om klima og miljø, men det handler også om helse, om anstendig arbeid, om likestilling og om bærekraftige lokalsamfunn - for å nevne noe. Med 17-målspodden er målet å gjøre bærekraft-tematikken mer forståelig, samtidig som kompleksiteten ikke skal forenkles.
Programvertene Siri og Knut ønsker å skape både refleksjoner og ny innsikt.

Du inviteres til å gi innspill og tilbakemeldinger til knut.vindenes@hvl.no.