The Couragemakers Podcast | Encouragement, Inspiration & Rebel Rousing for Mission Driven Doers, Makers & Shakers |

The Couragemakers Podcast | Encouragement, Inspiration & Rebel Rousing for Mission Driven Doers, Makers & Shakers | Trailer Bonus Episode 158 Season 1

158: The Playing Big Book Club - Chapter 7: Leaping - with Meg + co-host Katie Snyder

158: The Playing Big Book Club - Chapter 7: Leaping - with Meg + co-host Katie Snyder158: The Playing Big Book Club - Chapter 7: Leaping - with Meg + co-host Katie Snyder


This week we're diving into what Tara Mohr calls the antidote to hiding: leaping! This is a really practical episode, we share what constitutes a leap, and what you can do right now to start playing bigger! And we have a challenge for you!

Show Notes

This week we're diving into what Tara Mohr calls the antidote to hiding: leaping! This is a really practical episode, we share what constitutes a leap, and what you can do right now to start playing bigger! And we have a challenge for you!

If you want to join in the conversation, our details are below:

Meg:  Instagram and Email

Katie:  Instagram and Email

Books mentioned in today's episode

The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

Refuse To Choose - Barbara Sher

About Katie

Katie Snyder is a life, business, & enneagram coach, as well as an author & podcast host. She writes and speaks about fear & creativity and believes that better understanding these two subjects are the keys to being brave enough to chase your dreams.

Katie has a bachelor of science degree in research Psychology with a minor in Photography from Milligan College and received her life coach accredited certification from Transformation Academy. She has owned and operated her own wedding and portrait photography business since 2003, and was nominated for Best Management Company by the International Music and Entertainment Awards in 2018.

Website | Free Do It NOW Guide | Instagram

About Meg & The Couragemakers Podcast

Meg Kissack is a coach, writer, podcaster and all-round rebel-rouser for creative and multi-passionate women. As well as Couragemakers, Meg is the host of The Daily Pep! Podcast and founder of That Hummingbird Life. Meg is an INFJ creative and multi-passionate who has a bit of a notebook and post-it note obsession, loves foot-stomping country music and likes her hot chocolate with way too much chocolate.

Meg started Couragemakers because she wanted to create a platform for passionate and unconventional women to have honest conversations and to share their stories, struggles and dreams. The intention behind this podcast is to inspire and encourage creative and mission-driven women to live a wholehearted life and follow the beat of their drum.

When she's not recording episodes, Meg can be found working 1:1 with my fabulous coaching clients and playing with my adorable but silly puppy Merlin. 

What is The Couragemakers Podcast | Encouragement, Inspiration & Rebel Rousing for Mission Driven Doers, Makers & Shakers |?

Couragemakers is a weekly podcast for creative and passionate,mission-driven doers, makers and world-shakers designed to inspire and encourage fellow couragemakers, and spark a movement of women who are choosing themselves. Building the life you want and putting stuff in the world takes a boatload of courage, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Every Monday, unconventional couragemakers all over the world share their stories, their advice and their dreams as we have honest conversations about everyday courage, living a wholehearted life and dream chasing. We’ve figured out what we don’t want in life, now we’re figuring out what we do want. And we talk about the things that make us feel on fire as well as the monsters that hide under our beds.

Couragemakers is brought to you by Meg Kissack of That Hummingbird Life. Because everything changes when you believe you matter. Let’s shake things up together.

Warning: contains courage, vulnerability and a desire to leave the world a brighter place than how we found it.