Euractiv Talks

An estimated 67 million Europeans rely on heat provided by district heating, which is currently undergoing a decarbonisation process to achieve the goal of being climate-neutral by 2050.

However, different district heating systems are at different stages of progress towards net-zero. Some systems, particularly low-temperature district heating networks, have already been fully decarbonised through the use of technologies like heat pumps and geothermal energy. In contrast, large-scale district heating systems that require high temperatures face more limited options, such as biomass, electrode boilers (as part of power-to-heat solutions), and energy storage.

A key principle of the energy transition is to ensure that no one is left behind, including customers of district heating systems. This transition presents a range of challenges, not only technical and technological, but also regulatory and economic. These difficulties will be especially pronounced in large, densely developed cities. To address this, it is essential to establish regulatory frameworks and effective mechanisms, in line with the Fit for 55 package, that will support investment and ensure the transformation is both feasible and acceptable for heat recipients.

Listen to this Euractiv Hybrid Conference to discuss the road to net-zero of district heating systems. Questions to be discussed include:

- What is the future role of district heating systems? With rising heatwaves across Europe, what potential do these systems have to provide both heating and cooling?
- What technological and regulatory solutions can be implemented to meet the new targets for energy-efficient district heating and cooling systems?
- How can the cost burden of the transformation be minimised for end users? What financial and regulatory tools are required to support the transition?
- What is the potential of power-to-heat solutions and thermal storage, and how can they complement the role of large-scale cogeneration units?
- Do heating networks pose limitations to the energy transition? How can high-temperature district heating systems be decarbonised?
- What regulatory frameworks are necessary for the district heating sector to effectively manage the transformation process?

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Euractiv Events and Euractiv's Advocacy Lab podcasts are the audio version of our policy debates, stakeholder forums, Policy Triangles, and Thought Leadership interviews. These discussions bring together policymakers from EU institutions, industry stakeholders and civil society representatives to discuss EU policy issues.