Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men

Sam is out this week but Avi is joined by acupuncturist Noah Rubinstein of the Yinova Center in New York City. We discuss his background as a paramedic and the importance and challenges of cultivating balance. Our advice question this week is from a man who is struggling with feeling like the black sheep wherever he goes.

Show Notes

Sam is out this week but Avi is joined by acupuncturist Noah Rubinstein . Noah is clinic director at the Yinova Center in New York City, where he specializes in male reproductive and sexual issues. We discuss his background as a paramedic and the importance and challenges of cultivating balance. Our advice question this week is from a man who is struggling with feeling like the black sheep wherever he goes.We discuss his background as a paramedic and the importance and challenges of cultivating balance. Our advice question this week is from a man who is struggling with feeling like the black sheep wherever he goes.

Yinova Center

Hey Man, 
I need help with a problem that has plagued me for most of my life and gets in the way of enjoying it.

I grew up in a family that’s always placed a strong emphasis on money and achievement. And while my siblings and I are all managed to realize this in different ways, I’ve always been a bit of an outsider.  I’ve had lots of ups and downs along the way and it took me longer to find my footing in life. I’ve also just been different in the interests I’ve had, caring more about exploring the world and caring deeply about art. As a result, I often feel like the odd man out and there’s something wrong with me. I feel embarrassed about my hobbies and interests and I diminish what I do that would be considered good. I just assume that people don’t get me or understand me, which on some level I know is ridiculous. 

I’m over 40 and this gets in the way of most relationships that I have. How do I let this go to enjoy the rest of my life?

Black Sheep of Boerum Hill
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What is Hey, Man - The Advice Podcast for Men?

The weekly advice podcast for men with therapist Avi Klein and novelist Sam Graham-Felsen. Each week, we answer your questions with the help of a rotating cast of guests.