Rich Ad Poor Ad

The founder of the 8-figure enterprise, and author of The Wall Street Journal and  USA Today’s  bestselling book “Digital Millionaire Secrets”,  Dan Henry  has helped thousands of entrepreneurs sell their advice or services online, for top dollar. He has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Insider, and more.


Why the more you charge for a product, the less you have to spend advertising it.
What his relentless “Book a Call” CTAs are really designed to do (it has nothing to do with selling).
How sticking to his “sell nothing cheap” business model makes prospects more willing to buy
What reverse organic advertising is and how it can get people off the fence
Why he could stop running ads for two months and STILL get toasty warm leads.



Speaker 2 (00:00:29):

You're listening to the rich add poor ed podcast, where we break down the financial principles that rich advertisers are deploying today to turn advertising into profit and get tons of traffic to their websites without killing their cash. These advertisers agencies, affiliates brands are responsible for managing over a billion dollars a year in ad spend. You'll hear about what's working for them today. They're rich ads and we'll roast their Epic failures and crappy ads on the internet with core ads. Let's get into it. Welcome to another episode of the rich dad. Poor dad podcast is your host sack Johnson. I'm with the one and only Dylan Carpenter. You ready to rock this? Dylan?

Speaker 1 (00:01:06):

Yeah, man. Y'all are going to geek

Speaker 2 (00:01:08):

Out for who we have in the, in the podcast today,

Speaker 1 (00:01:10):

Man, I'm geeking out over here right now. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:01:12):

Today today's guest is a new new agency owner. He's just getting started in online marketing and he made his first thousand dollars this last week. He did it all on a single day and now he's teaching other people how to start an agency and it is going to be good. He's the founder and creator of get And uh, his name is Dan Henry who, uh, who is not at all the guests that I just described. But Dan is, uh, Dan is a character in the world of online marketing. And, um, he's doing some big numbers these days. I think he's most known lately for, uh, having the balls to, uh, to get out on the seas. It's just about how to like a ridiculous boat. I feel like that proceeds, uh, Danny. So I think Dan's the only person that we know on the show, Dylan that, uh, is like, see you later, COVID see you later quarantine. Like I'm going to go live on a boat piece.

Speaker 1 (00:02:12):

That's legendary status right

Speaker 2 (00:02:13):

There. Legendary status, man.

Speaker 1 (00:02:16):

My God, I just wanted a yacht. I just wanted a yacht.

Speaker 2 (00:02:21):

So Dan, welcome to the show. And how'd you like that intro? Is it like a pretty accurate, like you just think he's just got started like a week ago.

Speaker 1 (00:02:30):

That sounded a lot. It sounds like pretty much, uh, every I am or

Speaker 2 (00:02:34):

Today. Very, very classic, uh,

Speaker 1 (00:02:37):

Uh, description.

Speaker 2 (00:02:41):

I love it. Well maybe, uh, maybe you could tell people what you're up to these days. Cause I feel like, uh, your, your focus on like some, some newer things you're doing like a lot more high ticket stuff these days. And, um, it's not, it's not where you're up to. Like when you w when you just got, uh, selling chiropractors on local ads, so F fill everybody in on what's new.

Speaker 3 (00:03:06):

Well, I haven't had that offer in a long time. Um, I stopped selling that while back cause, uh, you know, I, after I did about 8 million selling, like online courses, coaching programs, it had some events, you know, I, I found myself being a lot more passionate about how to sell your advice and, and, and I felt it was a lot more impactful than, you know, getting some extra, uh, guys into a massage parlor or something, you know? Um, I mean, maybe that was impactful for them. I guess it depends on the type of massage parlor, but for me, I wanted to impact at a higher level. And I knew if I could help other experts sell their knowledge. Not only would I help them grow, but I'd help them help others. And so I decided to kill my old offer and, uh, start teaching people how to sell their advice.

Speaker 3 (00:04:01):

And I kept, you know, refining that. And, um, I just got, I mean, I'd love to tell you some esoteric, uh, mythical story, but I just got really good at it. And we've sold over $15 million to date of my own personal education products. And, um, I've since, you know, raised my prices and, and developed a much more VIP experience for clients, uh, to go with that increase in price. But, uh, as I say, a lot of people say, Dan, you know, what's your cheapest thing? Do you have anything for like 500 bucks? You know, I say, no, I don't have anything cheap because I don't have anything that sucks. So

Speaker 2 (00:04:45):

I love that. No, I don't have anything that totally sucks. So what's like, what's the highest ticket thing you've got

Speaker 3 (00:04:53):

55,000. Well, I do have a $100,000 offer that I'm I'm planning. Uh, but the one, the, the highest one that I have right now is a $55,000 mastermind, and it's more intimate coaching with me and I sold two those last week.

Speaker 2 (00:05:13):

Thanks. And, uh, that's cool, man. Well, I'm excited to dive into this, like, uh, you know, we were talking before the show, you keep things really simple on the advertising side. And, uh, I feel like we, we really want to dive into, you know, some of the mindset of like, behind, of what it takes, uh, to create a winning ad campaign. And you've got, you know, some interesting numbers, right? Like it's not like, uh, some of the e-comm businesses we've had on, you know, spending a hundred K a month making 200 and they're trying to borrow money from, from Shopify to, to like float it through, you know, black Friday. Uh, so like walk us through a little bit about, um, know what's

Speaker 3 (00:05:58):

Working for you now on ads. And, uh, what's, what's been the biggest difference for you as you've got? Well, the thing about, uh, selling high ticket is you don't need to spend as much on ads to make, you know, the same amount of money. And because when you sell high ticket, you are selling over the phone. You know, if you have two or three or four reps, you can't just blow $10,000 a day because you have nobody to take phone calls. Um, but the profit margins are so ridiculous that you don't need to spend that much. And I've spent actually I used to spend five, 600 K a month to make a million in a month. And you know, and then of course, you've got other expenses at your company and this and that. Um, we're spending maybe a hundred now, maybe. I mean, we have months that are 60 to 80 and still hitting seven figure months.

Speaker 3 (00:06:59):

Um, and I know that's like a huge, uh, you know, it's a decrease in spend, but it's an increase, massive increase in profit. And there's a few reasons why that's working for me. Number one is, you know, I don't, I don't sell anything cheap. Uh, number two, I give a lot of value upfront. We either take them to buy my, um, my book, digital millionaire secrets, and, uh, uh, or we send them to a, a webinar. Um, and if they like that, then they book a call and they get on the phone and we enroll them if they, and, and the way that I do it is absolutely everything revolves around one idea, book, a call. And so if we send out retargeting ads, it's always to either a piece of content native in the ad, it goes to an application, or it is to a piece of content that is leading to book a call.

Speaker 3 (00:08:05):

Every time I release a YouTube video, it goes on my blog. Every time I release a podcast episode, it goes on another section of my website. And under each piece of content, there's a button that says, was this helpful to you book a call. And every email we send out, every retargeting ad, once you see that initial core content, which would, you know, for most people be a webinar, everything else is intended to just get them off the fence that, you know, they go on the webinar and they either say, yes, I'm going to book a call. No, Dan, you look like, um, Doogie Howser and drew Carey ran into each other super fast and exploded and, you know, whatever. And they just say, I don't like you, I'm never in a buy that's maybe like, you know, that's like maybe like 10, you know, five to 10% book, a call right away.

Speaker 3 (00:08:48):

Maybe 20% are like, no, Dan, I hate you. You suck. And, but then you have 70% that are on fence and every single episode of a podcast or an email or a retargeting ad or a student case study or a blog, but everything revolves around one simple idea. I'm going to give you enough information to get off the fence and book a call. And that starts to roll over month after month after month. And if I, if I turned off ads right now, I would still be experiencing sales from my ad efforts from the last month and the month before that. And the month before that. And when you make it like that, um, everything becomes super profitable. It's even in, you know, it integrates even into organic. I mean, a lot of people view organic, like, well, I'm gonna run ads. I'm going to get new customers and I'm gonna do organic.

Speaker 3 (00:09:42):

I'm going to get new customers. Well, I don't do that. I do reverse organic where I spend money on ads and I bring you people I've already paid for, into my, uh, organic audience. And that is where I nurture you to get off the fence. And if somebody else, your friends, people who see you happen to chime in along the way they can, and they'll end up back top of funnel and we cycle it like that. I don't go out there and try to grow necessarily my audience organically. I nurture the audience already paid for and as a by-product that grows new people. And when you do that, that ad spend becomes worth far more than just, you know, I spent a dollar and I made a dollar back because that dollar you made back may in of itself make two or three more dollars. And so, um, that's in short what it is. And I know that sounds very simple. You just send them to one piece of content and then give them more content. But the thing is, it's not simple or complex it's if you do it well, it works really well. Um, and

Speaker 2 (00:10:53):

Yes, sir, you're a walk us through this call process. Like, um, they book a call and, uh, like, you know, what, what goes down on these, these elusive, uh, phone calls?

Speaker 3 (00:11:07):

Well, how it works is when they book a call, they fill out an application. Now they can either get approved or denied if they get denied. I mean, it depends on how they answer the questions, right? We don't want to waste anybody's time and we don't want to have our time wasted. So if they get denied, they go to a denial page. Now on this page, we say, Hey, listen, this is why we denied you. If you don't feel this is accurate, go ahead and continue to book your call. Now, if they get approved on the application, they go straight to a page to book their call. And when I say book their call, I mean, pick the time, you know, we use Calendly currently. And then when they pick their time, they go to a homework page where they get a video explaining how to prepare for a call and a program overview guide. So they, you know, they have all their questions that they're logistical questions about our program answered prior to the call. And if you do it well, you don't actually have to sell on the call to sell happens in your core content. You're simply closing on the call, which means you're not, you know, you're, and, and to me, the art of closing is simply getting somebody comfortable, uh, with separating themselves from their money in order to buy something that they already want. That's closing. So it's really more of a mindset call to get you connected.

Speaker 2 (00:12:26):

And how does it go at the end of the call? Hey, uh, I need to check in let's let's schedule a follow-up, uh,

Speaker 3 (00:12:33):

Depends on if you've been trained by me or you're just trying to do it yourself. That's how it would go. If you try to do it yourself, we don't, we close on the first call. There's no to call system. We do it. Once you book a call, we do have somebody that calls you right away, confirms your call. And we always confirm calls. If you don't answer, you don't confirm the call. We canceled the call. Um, so our close rate is high. And one of the reasons is because we get people qualified on the call and we confirmed that. They're going to make it. Now you mentioned, I know you guys care a lot about ads and campaigns and then the technical. So I'll give you one quick aspect. Here is when they fill out an application, if they go, if they go to the next page that we set up a custom conversion, and we count that as a qualified, uh, call, right?

Speaker 3 (00:13:20):

Like a qualified application. If they go to the app denial page, we count that as another cost of conversion as a application denial. So in our dashboard, we can see how many qualified calls we booked and how many denials we got from a certain ad. And more importantly, when we run retargeting ads, we are optimizing for qualified calls, not just any call. So there's a little hack, a tweak right there. That definitely, I mean, you know, we, we get like 20, $30 book calls on our retargeting ads because it's just so dialed in. Um, but yeah, when you get on the call, we, we go through, we essentially, what we do is we ask you questions and we make sure we can help you. Um, we make sure that our program, if it's not a fit, we don't offer it to you, right. Because you're not going to be happy. We're not going to be happy. Um,

Speaker 2 (00:14:11):

No. Are your people getting on the call where they're like, uh, they know they're going to make a buying decision or is it kinda like a,

Speaker 3 (00:14:20):

It depends on how, how you know where they're at. I mean, if, if they watch the core content and or they read my book and they're all about it, you know, they're gonna, they're gonna want to make a decision. Um, but we try to filter out people who are, you know, just browsing per se. Uh, but a lot of times people get on the call and they say, Oh, I'm not buying anything today. But then when we show them how we can help them, they say, you, what I wasn't going to buy today, but I'm in a B. And the thing is, is I always say, if somebody doesn't buy from you, it's because you didn't effectively sell them. Not because they weren't ready or they couldn't afford it, or anything of that, because you know, the concept of, I can't afford it. I'll give you an example. If I said to you, Zach, give me $10,000 and I will give you a car, but I'm not going to tell you what that car is. What would you say? I can't afford it. Okay. But you need to know what the car is. Right. But now if I say Zac, it's a Lamborghini, give me $10,000. You got seven days, come up with 10 grand. I'll give you a Lamborghini. Or would you say, yeah, you'd figure out how to find the money. Right. Then I would say, so let me get this.

Speaker 2 (00:15:37):

Let's just pause there. Right? Like you figure out how to get the money. You got to do a one call close and be like, Hey, let's get this credit card now. And then you're going to go figure out how to get them out.

Speaker 3 (00:15:47):

Well, no, no, no, no. We don't. I mean, you would do we make sure that, I mean, I guess if you have a credit card, you have access to the money, but we don't, we, I'm not a credit card guy. Uh, we have, uh, we, we present our people with some options that are a little bit better than credit cards. Uh, if, you know, if they can get approved for it, uh, because you know, credit cards can be crazy, like 20 grand or a 20% interest and all that. And I, I wouldn't want anybody to pay a 20% interest, but I mean, not that, not that it wouldn't still be worth it, but it's just a lot, you know? Uh, but we, I say, you know, um, you're willing to go out and find that money for a Lamborghini for a car, but you're not willing to go out and find it to move your business to the next level. So you can buy as many of those cars as you want. And here's the thing. If you tell me it's more important to me to get that car, I'm not going to offer you my program. But if you tell me, no, it is, I care about my success. I care to make this happen. That's a different story. So we don't actually offer the program to everybody. We only offer the program to people. We know we can help that we know are coachable and that we know are going to actually do something with it. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:17:06):

That's awesome. Man. One of the things with, with high ticket, you alluded to earlier is financing is a big, big piece of it, right? And a, or a payment plan is a big piece of it. Either. Whichever one you want to call, do you find like, um, uh, how do you guys think, how do you guys think about this? Right? Like, cause some people, you know, when they're selling high ticket, they're, they're very like anti, like, I don't want to get my like clients or students like in, in debt or I don't want to have them like leverage anything
Speaker 3 (00:17:37):

You don't believe in your program.
Speaker 2 (00:17:40):

So you don't believe that

Speaker 3 (00:17:42):

That's B that basically means you you're. You're just said. So you see, so first I'll give you an example. If I said to you, if I, if I could work with you directly and I can teach you how to book calls and close sales, I know. And your, your offers say, 5k, I know you would make 20 grand in the next 30 days. If you were my worst student ever. I know that, right. As long as you show up, I know I can help you make four sales, even, let's just say two sales, that's it. I know that, right? Like there's no fricking I have zero doubt in my mind. So if I sit there and say, Oh, I don't want to put my client in debt. Well, then you must have a real crappy product, because if you don't believe that you can help them make it back.

Speaker 3 (00:18:29):

What does that say about you? You know, or if you say, well, it doesn't have to be, make money. Maybe it's weight loss, right? I mean, how confident are you? And, and my thing is if you're that, um, unconfident that you think they're going to waste their money, then you go figure out how to make your product better. Period. That's [inaudible] they just want to jump in their little internet marketing groups and talk about split tests. Like they don't actually want to be a real entrepreneur and build a real company. And that's the difference. And especially in high ticket, I mean, you just mentioned pay plans and funding. I mean, we, we have a funding company we work with, but the vast sum over 80% of our sales are full pace. Right? We don't, I mean, we don't really have a huge issue with that very little pay plans and, um, not, not a ton of funding, but we do get a lot of people funded. It's just the vast majority do full pit.

Speaker 4 (00:19:24):

This episode is brought to you by funnel Nash's add card, the only charge card exclusively for your digital ad spend. And if you're an ad agency that manages seven or even eight figures a year in media and ad spend for your clients, and you're looking to double your profits over the next six to 12 months, then check out, add card, see the typical agency model is this. You charge 10% of your spend. We make 10 to 20% margin at the end of the day. So that's really one to 2% of your clients spend that is profit in your business. The easiest way to double that is a really find a way to earn in that one to 2% cash back of the card that is on file of your clients has ad account. And before add card we had to do was invoice all your clients for their ad spend up front. She's really difficult on a cash flow basis and very difficult ask. And then you had to put the card on your own Amex or whatever card of choice to get that level of value back into your business with add card it's entirely different in streamline. You simply get your clients on add card and make yourself the agency of record, and you'll get the cash back. As long as you're managing the ad spend, it's a great way to double your profit without doing any additional work.

Speaker 3 (00:20:41):

Check it I love it. I love it. So walk us through,

Speaker 2 (00:20:48):

Uh, walk us through a poor ad, man, walk us through what not to do. If somebody is like, Hey, Dan, we teach, or you just like how to just run a completely losing ad. And, uh, what would it be? The advice that you would give to them or not

Speaker 3 (00:21:07):

You're running ads for like a chiropractor or a local business that's so there's not much I can say on that. I mean, if you can't figure out how to get people to a massage parlor with Facebook ads, I don't know what to say. I mean, that's, it's like the flag football and it's like Tom Brady playing flag football. Like you should be able to do it. It's not a big deal, you know, but when you want to sell something that's more transformational and that this is the difference. Massage parlors, um, fidget spinners phone cases. These are transactional products are commodities. They're, they're, they're not products that make an impact on your life per se, but then you have transformational products and transformational products are going to be things like coaching vents, masterminds, online courses, consulting, perhaps even, you know, a niche accounting service. Right. Uh, I, I know when I got my account in my life changed, cause I saved like over a million dollars in taxes last year.

Speaker 3 (00:22:07):

So that changed my life, you know, but here's the thing. The problem is when you're just an ad person, you can run ads for a transactional product and everything's fine. But when you sell a transformational product, uh, it's, it's very difficult to just focus on the ads because there's a symbiotic relationship between the ad, the funnel, the, the, the content, everything, um, you have to know things about how you came to believe, what you believe in order to run great ad campaigns. Um, one thing I do is I always come up with angles and so I'll come up with a story or an angle or a life lesson, or, uh, some sort of epiphany or whatever, and that'll be an angle and I'll run an ad campaign. I'll try it on multiple audiences. I'll try it obviously with some variations, but ultimately I'll see if that angle is working and if it does, then I will move it to a, lose a winning position.

Speaker 3 (00:23:16):

I just keep it in a Trello board. And if it doesn't, I move it to a losing position, right? So this is the mistake most people make, they just look at data, they just kind of make things more. I'm going to make this ad and I'm going to follow this ad structure and they don't consistently get better at the types of ads they're putting out. And when I can not, I can have a column of losing angles and winning angles and I can study myself and I can figure out how to better stories, how to

Speaker 1 (00:23:46):

Be better on camera,
Speaker 3 (00:23:47):

How to, um, what things are people connecting with more. And so my, my ad campaigns are very simple. I have a cold campaign and a retargeting campaign and that's it. And I just try to put out better ideas

Speaker 1 (00:24:05):

And better ways of saying things and not be so concentrated on what

Speaker 3 (00:24:10):

Enzyme pushing, because that's been more training. That's been, that's been more effective than anything. Um, so I would say a couple of things and, and here's some specifics, right? Uh, w if you're using a pattern interrupt, okay. Be very careful because what a lot of people don't understand about, uh, optimum,

Speaker 1 (00:24:32):

My optimization based platforms like Facebook is,

Speaker 3 (00:24:35):

You know, part of your targeting is your copy because your ad

Speaker 1 (00:24:40):

Is being optimized to show to people that resonate

Speaker 3 (00:24:43):

With it. So here's the thing. If I say at the beach, let's say, let's say, I want you to buy my book. Right? My book teaches you how to create a, a, you know, million dollar, uh, informational product. So

Speaker 1 (00:24:56):

If at the beginning of an ad, I say something like,
Speaker 3 (00:25:00):

Um, you know, uh, uh, what's

Speaker 1 (00:25:03):

The secret of the wealthy that nobody wants

Speaker 3 (00:25:05):

You to know. I remember when I was poor and I, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? You got to wait three, four, five paragraphs. Before I get to the part where I tell you that you're going to make money by selling your advice information. Now, if at the beginning of that, I say something that specifically calls out my audience, like what a most

Speaker 1 (00:25:30):

Coaches and consultants not know about creating wealth. Well, now, what did I do? I use a very similar pattern interrupt, but this time I made it, what I call an identifying pattern interrupt. And that's where the pattern interrupt not only grabs your attention, but it would only grab the attention of your ideal

Speaker 3 (00:25:47):

Client. And I see so

Speaker 1 (00:25:49):

Many ads where you got to read three, four paragraphs down before you even know

Speaker 3 (00:25:53):

The ads about, I like to make it very clear who it's for and w and why,
Speaker 1 (00:25:59):

Or at least allude to why they'd want to read that ad in the video
Speaker 3 (00:26:03):

First sentence. And when you do that, people who are not your target audience don't resonate with it. So they don't click and interact with it and people that are do. And so that optimization goes not just towards people who are optimized to click on it, but who are the right people to click on it. And I do talk about that in the book, but that's, that is one thing I do different is I always identify every single time, even at the top of my emails, you know, everything I try to identify who should care

Speaker 1 (00:26:36):

About what I'm about to say and why they should care about

Speaker 3 (00:26:39):

It. That's awesome, man. I love that. I feel like you do,

Speaker 2 (00:26:45):

Uh, I feel you coach people on how to create a winning ad, not Louisiana, which is better, which we love. That's awesome. All right. So for this next segment, what I want to talk about is, you know, some financial principles on how you think about running and operating your business, and you've, you've gone through, you know, a lot of different iterations and graduations in your entrepreneurial journey. And, um, and I feel like you're at a different spot right now where I feel like you're fairly disciplined in, um, and there's a lot of, you know, people in the show that the grass is green on the other side, right. They're on an agency. They want to build a big, you know, SAS company, or they are, um, you know, getting into like info. And then they like, um, you know, they want to, uh, they miss the agency game.

Speaker 2 (00:27:39):

Right. And you know, what we see in, in, in some of these instances, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul, right? Like you've got one business it's like profitable, and then you're throwing money out the door. So, you know, I'm curious to share like, about your, your journey of like, you, you tiptoed a little bit into tech, right. With, with lead owl a year or two ago. And, um, yeah, before this, you're like, yeah. I'm like anti, like big business. And, um, and so like it, yeah. Tell us like how you've gotten to where you're at and what you're optimizing for right now on the finance.

Speaker 3 (00:28:19):

Well, I, you know, I've never really wanted to be like a big CEO type, like running around like a chicken with my head cut off, like Gary V and, you know, just constant. Like, I'm like, I'm on, like, I got an Ivy of methamphetamine in my arm running around, you know, making Instagram videos and stuff. It's just not me. I like to impact people. And I lied to, you know, have the lifestyle that I have. Um, if I want something, I just go make the money to get it. Like I wanted to, I wanted that yet. I'm like, all right, well, these yacht, how much are these yachts? And, uh, I found that, you know, about 2 million bucks. So I went out, I made 2 million bucks. And, uh, um, I mean, I, I obviously didn't pay cash for cars. That would be, that would be absurd.

Speaker 3 (00:29:08):

But, um, I did get a seven. I did get a 700. So this is a funny thing, right? I'll, I'll, I'll break down the finance side of it. Let me get to the yacht in a sec. So, first of all, I always say, if you got two businesses, right, and you haven't made a million with the first one, you have no business doing anything with the second one, you go make, you know, you, you go make billions of dollars with a business. You want to start a side project or even two fine. But if you've not, at least made a million, by the way, that is, that is the entry fee to the beginner circle. You have no business making a second business. Okay. Cause you can't make the first one successful. What makes you think you can make the second one successful? Now, if you're trying to transition out that's, but still, I mean, you know, focus, focus on what you're doing. Um, I didn't like agency work because I wanted to,
Speaker 1 (00:29:59):

You know, I did it for a long time, but then I wanted to be more impactful.
Speaker 3 (00:30:01):

And so I switched to selling my advice and coaching and whatnot like that. And here's the thing. There are businesses you can sell. And there are businesses that swell and

Speaker 1 (00:30:14):

I have created, I mean, I acquired 50% ownership in a software company,

Speaker 3 (00:30:19):

Hold it up. And then we sold it for multiple, multiple seven figures a year and a half later. I'm very happy as nice little capital gain. And, uh, that was a great payday for me. Um, but

Speaker 1 (00:30:35):

That's a business you can sell, you create an e-commerce store and you, you don't make huge profit margins, but

Speaker 3 (00:30:41):

You can sell it maybe down the line. So that's businesses, you can sell. I with what I do, I can't sell my business. My business is Dan Henry. Right? You buy my book, got my frigging face on it. You know, like what, what am

Speaker 1 (00:30:57):

I going to do? You know, I can't, I cannot sell

Speaker 3 (00:30:59):

My business. I don't think Tony Robbins can sell his business. And if he did it, it would not be at the same value if he's not there. And that's the thing is, uh,

Speaker 1 (00:31:13):

Trade off though, is that my business is extremely profitable. I've had million dollar net

Speaker 3 (00:31:17):

Months net, and I'm talking like net, net, net, net, net, net. So here's the thing
Speaker 1 (00:31:28):

I can't sell that business, but you know what I can do, I can use that money to invest. I'll give you a quick rundown of some of the stuff I'm involved in. I generally

Speaker 3 (00:31:37):

Put in six figures minimum a month into something every month, always looking for deals. Um, so right now I bought a, I bought about, uh, 6,000 shares of Apple. Um,

Speaker 1 (00:31:52):

I've, I'm also,

Speaker 3 (00:31:55):

Uh, into crypto a bit and, uh, some of the more Orthodox crypto stuff, um, got some six figures in that, uh, I've got multiple six figures in a cannabis fund that, uh, loans money to cannabis farms that can't meet demand. I've, uh, invested in a project building section eight, housing vested in an apartment project. Um,

Speaker 1 (00:32:20):

I do own multiple real estate properties, but I'm, I'm not,

Speaker 3 (00:32:23):

Not really wanting to buy more real estate because it's, you know, you buy real estate and you think you're, you know, Oh, I'm gonna earn 20%, but you can get into a real estate.

Speaker 1 (00:32:33):

They fund with people that know what they're doing, and you can earn 14%. Why am I going to bother them?

Speaker 3 (00:32:37):

That's somewhat that one, what I do is this, you know, um, so I'm in multiple funds. Um, as well as recently, I decided to create a, some accessory products to what I do, basically their own little companies. So they'd be like sister companies. I've got a physical product coming out. I've got, um, uh, and this is something that happened recently. Uh, you know, I, I sit around on my calls and I think that night, you know, 99% of the questions I get, they're not really marketing questions. They always end up being mindset questions. So I, you know, I like to think to the future, a lot of where I'll be in three, four or five years. And so I, uh, I was just randomly, you know, hanging out one night and I, I wanna, I wonder if, how to is available just like a random thought.

Speaker 3 (00:33:29):

So I go to GoDaddy and I type in how to, knowing that that would be a great domain. And knowing that eventually I would come out with a mindset offer. Cause that's, you know, that's like, honestly I L is the mindset, but yeah, if you say that, you're the one that needs it the most. Um, but, uh, you know, I put it in and it was like three grand and I go bot, so, you know, I'm always investing now. Let's, let's bring that back around to the yacht. Right. So my, my CPA calls me, she says, listen, Dan, here's the deal. You got an opportunity here. I know you've always wanted a yacht. I said, yeah, I've always wanted a yacht. I grew up on sailboats. My dad used to be a sailing. Uh, we used to race sailboats. Like he also used to deliver them as a captain.

Speaker 3 (00:34:16):

Yeah. I'm I'm in the boats. Yeah. So she says, well, listen, I don't know who's going to get elected this year or not. But the current administration has a really awesome tax credit, but they did. And it's, you know, it might go away eventually if somebody else gets an office as well, what is it? They said, well, normally there's a $250,000 deduction on yachts. Well, right now it's 2 million. And I go, well, you know, so I come to put this all in perspective, um, just this year by purchasing that yacht. And let me just run the numbers for you. Right. Cause I don't like to waste money. I don't.

Speaker 2 (00:34:57):

So with the business deduction before we even get into this, because I feel like I saw some posts where like, Hey, can we do a mastermind on a yacht? Right.

Speaker 3 (00:35:06):

And that's what I'm getting to this. I'm getting to, okay, I'm getting there. So,
Speaker 2 (00:35:10):

So I know how it qualifies for a business expense before we actually get into the that's the cherry on top.

Speaker 3 (00:35:18):

So I find out by purchasing the yacht, I save over 700,000 in taxes like that. So right off the bat, we just took that $2 million yacht down to 1.3 million just off that. And that's for the first year, that's not even, you know, so then I find out that the yacht comes with and it's only chartered out for a very short amount of the year. It comes with $300,000 a year in income from existing charters already booked on the, on the app. Okay. So within a year, we're up to, so now, now, now the boat's only a million. Okay. Plus I decide that, um, I'm going and I, again, I, I have a special relationship with GoDaddy. That's how I know I go and I type in millionaire, and sure enough, it's available. So I buy it, I start a company and here's, here's how, so this is what I do.

Speaker 3 (00:36:15):

Here's my idea. My, my, my idea was I would sell a one day mastermind where it'd be like maximum of 10 people. So you'd think there'd probably be normally five to 10 people. You could fly out here, you get on the yacht. We go out for the day, we talk business, I'll look into your, your sales, your company structure, your, um, whatever it is, you need to grow your business. Right. And that one conversation that can happen on that boat or the network. I mean, if you're a serious entrepreneur, you know, that, that that's worth it, right? Like that, that one conversation or one new perspective can change everything, give you a paradigm shift. So I go out and I say, Hey guys, here's the deal. Here's and it's not cheap. I said, here's, you know, it's a five figure investment. They here's what it is, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3 (00:36:59):

Nice. Put out this little funnel. And I say, only sign up for this. If you want me to call you, when you, when it's time to buy a ticket. And we had over 75 people sign up in the first week. So I'm like, all right. So there's like a million dollars a year in revenue, right? So then I call up my buddy Myron golden, and I call up another, a couple other big influencers. I talked to Sam ovens, some other guys. And um, I say, Hey guys, I have an idea. How about you sell a one day mastermind to your audience to have a mastermind with you all attend if you want. Or if you say no, Dan, I don't want you there. Well, good. I'll go. I'll go. You know, I'll go to the gym or something to have fun. What you sell them on that mastermind day with you, I'll give you the boat.

Speaker 3 (00:37:48):

My crew as a full-time crew that lives on the boat, a captain and a stewardess private chef. They'll take the boat out. They'll cook for you. They'll do your mixer. They'll, they'll give you the full luxury experience. You give me half and I've already got three influencers that are like, I'm ready. You know, when can I, how many people have about, so I'm sitting here saying to myself, it's going to cost me more money to not have this yacht than to have this yacht. And I get a yacht. So that's how I like to invest. I like to really run numbers. I like to make sure things are going to happen. And that's where I put my money in, especially in things that, you know, I enjoy like yachts and cannabis. Oh man. My mind's exploded,

Speaker 2 (00:38:37):

Man. I absolutely love how you made that pay for itself before you pulled the trigger and most people would have stopped at the tax deduction. Right. So like what, how does this work with your existing business? Like walk us through, let's just like spin up like a year yacht LLC. Did you

Speaker 3 (00:38:55):

Eric Cruz, LLC. Yeah. So I just asked my current clients who wants to come and they're all like they're all super down. So, I mean, I mean, I've got thousands of customers who would love to spend a day that, that close to, to learn from me and, um, and from each other, you know, at that level. And, um, as soon as I said it, everybody was, was in, like everybody wanted to do it. And so I knew, you know, and so we already had like branding and a logo made and we've got, um, we're actually replacing all of the fabrics on the cushions, on the boat with new fabrics, which have the millionaire cruise logo embroidered onto them. Um, we've we have a little, little drink napkins because the way we do it is we have sessions throughout the day. We have a lunch, we have a, a nice, more formal dinner and then we have, uh, drinks like a mixer, right? So like the little cocktail napkins, all have the millionaire, cruise logo on it and all this, you know, it's going to be great. So it's gonna be awesome.

Speaker 2 (00:39:58):

I love that. Well, on this episode of the Richmond port podcast, I feel like you have just constantly come back to a mindset, but we haven't really dove into it yet. And, uh, what do you, what do you think the biggest difference is between somebody doing 10 grand a month, net, net, net, a hundred grand a month, net, net, net, net, net, net, as you would say, and a million a month net.

Speaker 3 (00:40:26):

Well, so here's this thing, right? When you're born, you have an adolescent life, you have friends and family and you have a childhood and you even have an early adulthood. And what happens in this life, this beginning of life really defines and creates what I call a construct of how you're going to think what you're going to believe, how you're going to approach things. And it's not really your beliefs. It's not really your personality. It's what was given you as a default template by your experiences growing up, for instance, let me give you an example of something that everybody can relate to when you at, when somebody asks you, why they start a question with, why have you ever noticed that? For some reason you tend to get a little annoyed when somebody asks you, why? Like, why are you asking me? Why? Like, even if you don't say anything, you do kinda kind of irritate you a little bit.

Speaker 3 (00:41:26):

Well, here's why, when you're a kid, what do your parents say? Every time you do something wrong, what's the first they say, don't do that. But they say, why did you do that? Oh, why? Oh, I'm sorry. Why did you, I told you that. Why didn't you listen? All right. So your parents criticize you and they, 80% of the time begin with the word. Why? So later on in life know, it's not that asking someone why is offensive it's that you were programmed to feel it was offensive. And so what happens is you go out into the world with this construct of beliefs and limits that we're all in all different categories. We're set on you. Well, some people accept that construct. They say, well, this is who I am. I'm just not that person. I I'm, I'm an introvert and I'm not comfortable. And I'm, you know, I wouldn't even say that a lot of people don't even know what those contracts are.

Speaker 3 (00:42:23):

Oh, they don't know they have it. Yeah. They have no idea, you know? Um, and so what happens is they, uh, they go, they got one or two choices. They can either accept the construct, go through life and live under those limits. Or they can begin breaking down the construct and creating their own. You don't find yourself that as a fallacy, you create yourself. And so when you start knocking down and removing all of those limits, one by one, the more limiting or limiting beliefs that that construct has given you, the more that you knock down, the more free you are to move and achieve things that those limits were preventing you from achieving. And so what happens from six to seven to eight figures is that you, uh, you believe, you know, you have less limiting beliefs as you go. And you just, and the more you knock down, the more you're able to do, I'll give you a perfect example.

Speaker 3 (00:43:20):

Would you ever pay $25,000 for a one-hour coaching call that you couldn't record? And I couldn't record, I guess it would depend who it was with, but most people would say no. Oh yeah. If you asked me now, I'm going to say no. If you asked me that just two years ago, I would have said, no. If you asked me that even a year ago, I would have said no, but a few months ago I met somebody who trades, uh, options like stock trading. And, uh, they have a lot of money and, uh, they, you know, they trade a lot of money and I don't really know. I've never even understood options every time I go. And I try to watch a YouTube video on it. My brain goes, I mean, I'd, I'd rather sit around, screwing around with infusion, soft, psychotic dashboards than deal with options.

Speaker 3 (00:44:17):

Right. You know? And, um, so I, I say to him, well, you know, you know, you know, we're talking, we're having dinner one night and he shows me his trading cat. And I know enough about trading to know what buys you. I, I know basics. So he says to me, he says, Dan, how much money do you have laying around, just in cash in the bank. And I tell him, and he's like, okay, what if you could take that money and put it in another bank, but make like eight to 15 grand a week off of it every week. And that money really doesn't go anywhere. And I say, well, yeah. Well, why wouldn't I? So he shows me his trading cases is only works. If you have a lot of money, like if you don't have any money, it ain't working. I mean, nothing. But if you have like an extra 500 grand, you can put into this, you can make, you know, eight to 15 grand a week. I said, well, yeah, I got an extra 500 grand. What, what way you? So he shows me and he shows me what he's doing. And then he says, I will hop on a one-hour call with you, but it's 25 grand. And I go, you know what?

Speaker 2 (00:45:17):

Hold on. I want to back up for a second. You guys are, you're having dinner. He's telling you, he's going to be showing you his account. And then he's going to say, we're going to do a followup call for 25 grand

Speaker 3 (00:45:28):

Without a follow-up. I just, I asked him, I said, how much to teach me this? And he says, well, I, I charged 25 grand to teach it. And I teach it to you in a one-hour call. I, and I thought about it for a second. And here's what I did. I access my mind. I said to myself, I never would have even accepted this, you know, uh, a year ago. But how many times have I taken a risk and done something outrageous? And it worked out. And the thing is, it's not really that outrageous because he says to me, he says, look, all you got to do is transfer this money here. And I'll, we'll make a trade on the first call. You'll make at least eight grand. So you, you know, I'm going to make almost half back. And I, and he's like, if you don't make it back, I'll give you your money back.

Speaker 2 (00:46:13):

Elon gets emails in his spam box or from Nigeria. And

Speaker 3 (00:46:19):

He is licensed by the sec, everything,

Speaker 2 (00:46:21):

You know, or something like that, you have to transfer. Um,

Speaker 3 (00:46:27):

No, but anyway, I get on the call with him, right? I give him the money. He teaches me the whole thing in an hour. I get it. Cause you know, I, I pick up things rather quickly and we made a trade and I made nine grand. And before the end of the call and I'm thinking, and then, you know, within a few weeks I had made the whole amount back and I've, I've made that every week. And I, I, you know, I think to myself, if I would've said I'm not paying 25 grand for a one hour call, I would have missed out on a multiple six figures, extra a year just for having money and for pressing one button a week. And so I, you know, I, I say to myself, I almost miss that because of what my, Oh, it's crazy to pay somebody that not really.

Speaker 3 (00:47:19):

Because if I, if I said, Hey, I'm going to put 25 grand into a box and close it. When I open it, you know, 50 grand is going to be back out. You, you hesitate. So one thing I learned is when you invest in things, you don't vest invest in things based on the price you invest in them based on the, on, on the result. Like when I, for instance, the yacht, I was only going to buy a $1.3 million yacht, but I found a yacht that was 2 million. It was under market. So there's equity in the boat because it wasn't even on the market. It was, it was, I bought it the day. The guys started thinking about it, thinking about selling it. So there's, I would rather spend 2 million and get this much equity than spend 1.3 and get this much equity, plus all the plus the extra tax benefits and all that.

Speaker 3 (00:48:10):

So you see, you got to think about the end result and you can't get sticker shock because of what's in your head. So that's one of the things that when you, when you go from seven, eight figures and beyond you, don't wince at 25 grand for an hour call because you know, as long as that guy's not full of crap, you know that you're, you're gonna make that return back. Now, if he said, Oh, I'm going to show you to make a thousand a week. Dang. You know, but he made it, he set an expectation and he met it. But, but the thing is, I know you probably think of, well, who is this guy? It only works. If you have like hundreds of thousands of dollars laying around you, you're not doing anything with, so it's not a strategy for everybody, but it's still 25 grand for an hour is, you know, it takes a set of, uh, nuts to write that down.

Speaker 2 (00:48:58):

Framed it to you. Like in the very beginning too, you know, you kind of showcased it to where the sales process is. Actually it makes complete sense.

Speaker 3 (00:49:06):

Well, that's the thing. There was no sales process. He just showed me his account. And he said, look, each week, each week, each week. And I said, so you'll show me how to do that for 25 grand. And he's like, yeah, I'm like done. Why wouldn't I, I would have to be a complete idiot to not say yes to that. The only, the only way I would say no is if I thought he was being non truthful, but he logs in, he was count. And shows it to me is, is, is, is each rate account. And I, I have, uh, an account. So I like, I, I, I know it's not Photoshop, you know, on his phone. Like he's like scrolling. So that's what I did. But see, but even what's the other thing, if you have to, if you're, if your construct has too many limiting beliefs, even if, even if he showed you that, you'd still say no. Even if he wrote a legal document with 10 lawyers around you, that said, if you don't make it back, you'll get a refund. You'd still, you'd still be so nervous about it. That, that a lot of people wouldn't do it just because of that, just because it's 25 grand, you got to let that go. You got to just, there's no difference between 25 cents and $25,000. There's just, no, it's just a number. It's just a number. That's the only thing.

Speaker 2 (00:50:20):

When did you suggest somebody go about identifying that? Right. Like you, you hinted us a bit, um, before, which is like, most of us are just kinda like cruising through life and we don't even realize what these limiting beliefs are. And we're just like, Oh, reaction, move on, reaction moves on. But the first start is like awareness of and identifying, Oh, this is a limiting belief, which I feel like is actually the hardest

Speaker 3 (00:50:47):


Speaker 2 (00:50:49):

Because like once, you know, it's there, it's like, Oh, okay, I need to get rid of it. And like, what's the process to do that, blah, blah, blah. So how, how do you practice that, um, on a regular basis?

Speaker 3 (00:51:02):

Well, when you don't have any direction, you do tend to just kind of like find these limiting beliefs as they become limiting, and then you have to recognize them and then you have to do something about it. It's funny. You should ask that because, um, the only other thing I'm doing today, besides this interview with you is I've been working on, um, I told you that I bought how to We're actually working on a mindset assessment called what type of thinker are you? And we asked multiple questions and then we spit out a result, a profile that shows you, you know, what your limiting beliefs are and how they're, they're actually preventing you from getting to the next level. And, um, I wish it was ready that I could just say, go to that website, but it's not ready yet. Uh, but we did make substantial progress on it today. We got, uh, we, we tested it on about 20 people and most of them said it was very accurate. So we're, uh, we're checking along.

Speaker 2 (00:52:03):

This is live like you guys should totally have it. Well,

Speaker 3 (00:52:06):

Hey, I'm, I'm, I'm transparent. That's where if you go to that website, now there's nothing there. I don't think. But, uh, um, we're working on it. And so that's something to look out for the future. Um, but, uh, uh, you know, like I said, this is one of the companies that I, cause I really think I can help a lot of people past just marketers learning, how to think, not what to think, but how to think, not what I believe the answer is, but how to come to the answer, you know, how to find it for yourself. And, uh, there are just a lot of limiting beliefs that if you can just start busting each one down one at a time, you can do anything. You can achieve anything in life by changing the way you think. I have a bonus question here for this

Speaker 2 (00:52:49):

Bonus round here, Dan it's like, you've been in the space, man. Like, I feel like you've been in all the groups. You've, you've gone down the agency, rabbit hole, you've gone down the course creator rabbit hole. You're gone down like high ticket. You're got, you're wearing a lot of investor has like right now, if you were to, and then we just kinda look at, um, let's just say that the industry for a whole, for a second, and then we'll do Dan Henry likes, you know, separate from the industry. Like let's just fast forward three years and five years. Like where do you think the biggest opportunities are? Um, and like, where do you think the industry

Speaker 3 (00:53:26):

Is headed?

Speaker 4 (00:53:27):

And then also like, where do you see yourself

Speaker 3 (00:53:29):

In three to five years? Well, the industry is headed at the same place. It's always been, here's this new thing that I'm doing. The thing that you're already not good enough at because you tried that thing, you know, from the thing before that and try this new thing and that'll work. And, um, I've been, I've been doing the same thing for years. You know, like this whole, Oh, webinars don't work. Nah, that's like even thinking like that anything works if you do it well. And the problem is that our industry is so obsessed with the new way, the easier way, the better system that they just don't get good at. What's in front of them. Time spent searching for the easier way, could be time spent getting good at the hard way. And this is the thing right in the next three to five years, I see myself.

Speaker 3 (00:54:27):

I'm probably not even in the make money space. I see myself in a, or maybe more of a personal development space. I'll probably still have my mastermind and I'll still teach people to make money, but not with a funnel method or something like to me, that's when you start thinking eight figures and you start getting it, you learn that it's no one funnel or that's irrelevant. What's relevant is good. You do it. So for instance, a lot of people want to have things, right? They want to have a nice car. They want to have a successful business. They want to have a big audience. They want to have things, but they never consider that they have to become the person that deserves those things. They have to become the person that can make those things happen. Right? And that's why we're called human beings and not human havings.

Speaker 3 (00:55:24):

So think about this. Think you want to be a millionaire. Do millionaires know how to speak. They articulate themselves properly. Either that I found the other day of me from years ago when I was trying to start a YouTube channel about around electronic cigarettes. And I'm like, Hey guys, this is Dan Henry from UF And I sounded terrible. Now I get to sit there and said to myself, well, that's just me. I'm just not good on camera. It's just not for me. I'll find another way to make money or I could just get good at being on camera. And that's what I, that's what I did. I eventually got very good at speaking and articulating, I mean, think about this. If you give a hundred actors, a script, how many get the part one? Why? Because they did it better. So a person that deserves to be a millionaire is a person that does not search for the easier way all the time.

Speaker 3 (00:56:19):

They get good at the thing. They get good at speaking. Yeah. Good at, at making your point, I watch movies all the time to study story arcs. I will listen to, or like you want to get good at speaking. Here's what you do. Watch the movie, Django, Unchained German guy, whenever he explains a situation in this intense, like he's got guns pointed at him. Things are about to blow up. And every time he says, gentlemen, let me explain exactly how and he's just so articulate. Watch that movie learn how articulate he is and try to mimic those scenes. Try to talk like him, find articulate people and try to talk like them. And eventually you will train yourself to be able to talk and people will listen. You will command attention. These are the things that grow your business now. Oh, a new funnel myth, Emmy create a challenge. I'm going to create a five day challenge. That'll do it well. So the webinar didn't work. Your little three video series didn't work. Your launched didn't work, but all of a sudden you,

Speaker 2 (00:57:29):

This is an interesting day only. I, no one's ever come on the show and talked about just articulation for a second. So I was like, let's, let's just like hone in on this. Right? Like what, like you've obviously, you know, done a really great job with, with webinars, right. And naturally articulation. And like the voiceover are, and speaking on a webinars is a big part of it. Do you think like, that's kind of where it stemmed from of like, I have to master like a 45, 60 minute presentation and then that kind of morphed into like a lot of other areas. Um, and you're in your life or do you kind of attribute it to, to something like entirely different

Speaker 3 (00:58:08):

Ever seen a multimillionaire webinar presenter that didn't sound like they could speak. So I knew I had to sound like them period. Go find me somebody that's made millions of dollars from a webinar. Yes. Okay. Go find me, somebody that that's, uh, uh, uh, an award-winning speaker that all right guys. No, they know how to speak and how to command attention and use inflection, rhythm and cadence in their voice. You got to learn that stuff. So yeah. I can teach you the funnel stuff and all that, but I always say, most people teach you what to do and how to do it. I teach you how to do it. Well, and let me give you an example, right? So, um, how you do some things is how you do everything, right. You can tell. And, um, I'm going to have to speak about men specifically here, but you can tell what kind of worker entrepreneur, a guy is, why, how he takes a . I'm serious,

Speaker 2 (00:59:17):

This your interview process, or

Speaker 3 (00:59:20):

This may crude, but it's true.
Speaker 2 (00:59:24):

If you who's watching the though, who,

Speaker 3 (00:59:28):

I'm not saying somebody watches it. If you're the type of guy that goes and takes a whiz, shakes it twice, puts it back in your pants. First of all, gross. Second of all, um, you're probably pretty sloppy and lazy and other aspects of your life. But if you're the type of guy that gives it a little squeeze, dabs it and makes sure everything's dry, make sure everything's good. Puts it back in. Everything's tight, no leakage. Then you're probably pretty meticulous in your business, in your life. When you brush your teeth, do you just want, and you're done or do you make sure that you get each and every piece with the flaws and you don't miss it? And if you did miss it, you can do it over again. Right? Like these are the small things in life. When you type, do you use words like, you know, instead of saying a long word, you use some short thing that half the people don't even know what you're saying, or do you take time to articulate and properly write it out?

Speaker 3 (01:00:25):

Do you capitalize the first letter in your sentences? Or do you just write like how you do some things is how you do everything? So, one thing you can do is start doing everything in your life more thoroughly that doesn't necessarily mean take more time and waste time, but do things more thoroughly. You know, I mean, me, you know, that old saying about a discipline man is a man that makes his bed every morning. There's truth to that because you, you don't make a bed to make a bed. They make a bed to teach themselves discipline, you know, and again, this may sound unorthodox, but if I made, you know, a thousand bucks last weekend, then you could probably sit here and tell me I'm full of crap, but I've made 15 million. There is something do this. So

Speaker 2 (01:01:15):

Love it, man. Yeah. This has been a very, very interesting episode. I, I absolutely love the details and the carcasses that we liked.

Speaker 3 (01:01:24):

A lot of entrepreneur wives that are thanking me right now.

Speaker 2 (01:01:31):

Finally, I can sit down on the seat now. Well, don't worry what you're up to next and how we can support you and how people can reach out and get on a call.

Speaker 3 (01:01:43):

Well, uh, I, you can get on a call, but I highly recommend you, uh, read my book first to make sure it's for you. And there's a lot of value in here. Um, and what I can do right now is I, I can make a special link for your audience, um, so that they can get the book for free. Uh, and what I'll do is, uh, let's do funnel dash. What I'll do is, um, if you go to this link that I'm about to give you, all you have to do is pay the post man, just pay shipping, and I will send you the actual book for free. Um, if you, when you get the book, we also give a complimentary, uh, 48 minute training. Uh, if you're don't want to wait for the book, you can watch that training. And when you're done, if you'd like to book a call and talk more about how we can help you sell your products and services for a high ticket price or sell an educational offer, such as a coaching program, an online course, a mastermind, uh, any situation in which you'd sell your advice online, you can book a call, um, and if we can help you and we know we can help you then, uh, we'll show you what that looks like and allow you to make a decision on whether or not to become a part of it.

Speaker 3 (01:02:58):

Dan, thank you so much, man. URL is going to be get dash, get all hash and, and there it is.

Speaker 4 (01:03:15):

I love it. Thank you so much, Dan.

Speaker 5 (01:03:19):

Not a good time.

Speaker 4 (01:03:24):

Well, thanks so much for listening to another episode of the rich ed or ed podcasts. If you're like me and listen to podcasts on the go, go ahead and subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and rich ed [inaudible] dot com slash podcast. And if you absolutely love the show, go ahead and leave a review and a comment share with a friend. If you do take a copy screenshot of it, email me Show me you left a review. I'll give you a free copy of the rich add or add book. Learn more about the book. Go to rich ed for to leave a review that a rich ed or Thanks again.

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