
It's human nature to want to achieve. To be seen and known and admired. We stack ourselves up against one another through work and relationships and accomplishments. And those very things are where we're all tempted to put our identity, to seek satisfaction. And maybe that's you too, and maybe it's left you feeling if there's more to life, if there's something you're missing. In Mark 10:17-31 we're introduced to a young man who ask Jesus what so many want to know: what do I have to do to get eternal life? And Jesus, looking on him with love like He does us, answers him. This passage shows us the importance of what we give our hearts to and what we put our identity in. Listen in as Rob takes us through this passage. 

What is Renovate?

Renovate is for young adults in Fort Worth, TX – whether you’re in college, living the post-grad life, figuring out how to adult on your own or venturing into young married life, come find community at Renovate. Visit us online at or find us on social media @renovateftw.