Kingdom Citizenship Podcast

Welcome to the first episode of the Kingdom Citizenship Podcast. This week join our host Timothy L. Price and his guest Executive Coach Joe Cavanaugh in discussing how Clifton's Strength Finders can revolutionize church culture in America. Delve into the transformative power of Strengths Finders as we navigate its impact on personal and professional realms. We confront issues within the church, from dynamics of talent and leadership to navigating feelings of exclusion and affirmation deprivation. Thanks for tuning in to this fascinating exploration of strengths, community, and the evolving landscape of faith.

Support the show by purchasing our books:
Labyrinth of the World
The Coming Caesars

1:35 – How Has Strengths Finders changed your game
3:10 – You need to take Strengths Finders
5:18 – When I showed my wife the results
6:32 – When you use a signature strength
7:28 – How can our strength keep from being threatening to others
9:49 – How do we collaborate with one another
11:06 – What do you do with Strengths Finders besides take the assessment
11:59 – Forced-Paired questions
15:36 – The big part of this podcast is: the kingdom of God amongst the kingdoms of men
17:36 – You get to feeling like “I have no need of thee” in church, why is that
19:19 – Churches can fall into a trap
24:49 – What do you call your ministry Joe
25:22 – Joe’s contact email
27:13 – Everyone in the pew is equally as talented as the pastor
29:38 – What is a person to do when they find out church leadership has no need of anyone
34:33 – Conrad Baars -
35:07 – The majority of people today are in a state of severe deprivation of affirmation
37:00 – The surprising thing a Hutterite minister once told me
38:50 – We’re seeing the end of Christendom to see a new birth of the Body of Christ getting back to its organic foundation

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What is Kingdom Citizenship Podcast?

Citizenship Kingdom Citizenship is about the kingdom of God amongst the kingdoms of men, a contrasting and competitive reality to the world order. Few Christians understand this teaching of Jesus, even though it is the most dynamic aspect of His work. This podcast will feature interviews, teaching, and testimony of those who, in their own way, understand the kingdom of God amongst the kingdoms of men so that many might be challenged and encouraged about thriving in degenerating times.